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制定一份计划表。Set a schedule.

制定行动计划。Plan for action.

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可以制定计划We can make plans.

我们能制定计划。We can make plans.

我为你们制定了计划。I have plans for you.

制定符合实际的目标。Sett realistic goals.

制定一个清晰的日程安排表。Have a clear schedule.

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我制定计划是为了什么?What am I planning for?

制定一个跑步安排表。Make a walking schedule.

我不能制定我的油价。I cannot fix my oil price.

制定生产任务单。Make productive task form.

我制定了一个严格的复习计划。I made a strict review plan.

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之后他们就会制定课堂内容。And, they draw up the agenda.

各国政策制定者似乎没有觉得不安。Policymakers seem untroubled.

并制定一致的用膳时间。And set consistent meal times.

并且,他制定了最好的政策。And he's got the best policies.

那么,政策制定者应该做些什么?So what are policymakers to do?

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同时制定好短期计划和长期计划。Think short term and long term.

下一年标准成本制定。Update Std. cost for next year.

你会制定怎样的税收政策?What tax policy would you have?