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他与怪物们一起坠入井底。He falls down a mine with a monster.

他很快就看到井底的那只狐狸。He soon saw the fox at the bottom of it.

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真理是无底之井的井底。Truth is the bottom of a bottomless well.

落在井内的部件也叫做“井底脏物”。A lost item in the hole is also called "junk".

接着它飞快地回落到白色卵石的井底潺潺!And quick to the white pebbled bottom it fell !

捞砂筒也可用作业井底取样器。The sand bailer is also used as a bottom hole sampler.

有一只青蛙住在井底,他从来没有去过井外面。There is a frog. He lives in a well and he never goes out of the well.

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没有人听见猫在井底微弱的呼救声。Form the bottom of the well, the cat's faint cries for help went unheard.

小落物打捞蓝是指下入井眼内的一种工具,用于从井底回收碎屑物。A tool run into the wellbore to retrieve junk from the bottom of the hole.

对一维、二维柱坐标下密闭测试的井底压力和井底产量进行了数值模拟。Bottomhole pressure and sandface rate in 1D and 2D coordinate are modeled.

当他碰到干燥的井底,只听到砰的一声和骨头喀嚓折断的声音。There was a simultaneous thump and snap of bone as he hit the well's dry floor.

在井底脏物或落鱼未清除之前,就不能继续钻进。Drilling can not continue until the fish or the junk is recovered from the hole.

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从井底去除砂子和碎片所用的由钢丝绳起下的捞砂筒。A wireline bailer that is used to remove sand and debris from the bottom of a well.

钻头是直接破碎井底岩石的工具,钻井速度的高低与钻头类型密切相关。Bit is the tool of crash rock and rate of drilling is deep related with type of bit.

更为严重的是,井底砂粒可能随冲砂液重新返入油层,并对油层造成伤害。What is worse, sand particles may even flow back into the formation to cause damage.

很多个漆黑的夜晚,一想到从井底可以看到天空布满星星,我就感到很安慰。On many a dark night the vision of that round slip of sky with stars has comforted me.

从井底去除砂子或碎片所用的用钢丝绳起下的装置。A wireline device that is used to remove sand or debris from the bottom of the wellbore.

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双重孔隙介质油藏油井抽汲生产将使井底压力变化十分复杂。Bottom hole pressure changes complicatedly in suction well of double porosity reservoir.

指下井仪器,即测井过程中需要下放到井底的所有硬件设备,常简称为仪器。The downhole hardware needed to make a log. The term is often shortened to simply"tool."

该装置实现了井底流场特性的三维空间测量。This instrument realizedthreedimensional measurement of downhole folw field characteristics.