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不乏先例。There is no lack of precedents.

你也能忍耐,曾为我的名劳苦,并不乏倦。I will also give him the morning star.

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这些团体中不乏一些问题团体。And some of these groups are a bit iffy.

在我们的生活中不乏其例。Our life abounds with examples in point.

今天不乏反资本主义。There is no lack of anti-capitalism today.

当然,其中不乏严重警告的信号。Of course, there are some important caveats.

弗兰克·科莫德爵士饱含深情,却不乏批评。Sir Frank is affectionate, but not uncritical.

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前来观展的观众中不乏行家里手。To many in the audience of the exhibition game.

年轻、英俊、有王室之气,却又不乏随意、放松的感觉。Young, handsome, regal, yet casual and relaxed.

他的思维方法不乏条理性。There is no lack of method in his way of thinking.

不乏先例。There is no lack of precedents in this connection.

这种社会骚乱不乏先例。There is a precedent for this kind of social change.

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不乏的是鸟儿的和音,让人百听不厌。Lack the birds and the sound, people are never tired.

当然,也不乏有些爆眼子同样喜欢。Of course, there are some critical eyes the same love.

大多数政客的演说不乏哗众取宠的空话。Most of the politician's speech was a load of clap-trap.

考试作弊者是虚伪的,虚伪的背后不乏愚昧。Cheating in the exam is false, hypocrisy behind is folly.

也许,情爱之事虽不乏愚蠢,却是美不堪言。It may be that love is beautiful with all its foolishness.

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它不单是一段历史,其中不乏我们要学到的功课。Jonah's story is not merely history. It has lessons for us.

春天像一首温馨且不乏华丽的浪漫曲。Spring is just like a soft song, full of romance and grace.

而处女座通常被认为代表了智慧和实事求是的精神,但又不乏过于吹毛求疵。While Virgos are intelligent, practical but overly critical.