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它是真实的。It was real.

我们是真实的。We are real.

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他是真实的。He is authentic.

有什么是真实的么?Wass anything real?

但这都是真实的故事。But it was all true.

每种未来都真实。Each future is real.

哪一个才是真实的你?Which is the Real You?

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你知道我的梦有多真实吗?But I can't let you know.

我只要真实的我。I'm fucking real hellboy!

真实和原始的街舞技艺。Real and raw Hiphop feat.

那么这些真实是什么?So what are these truths?

第一个筛子叫真实。The first sieve is Truth.

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但这是不真实的。This is not true however.

这是真实的事件。This was an actual event.

真实的那些是什么呢?What is real about those?

你的“童心”是真实存在的。Your inner child is real.

又快如白驹,如果是真实的。And quick enough, if true.

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品尝由内而外真实的优雅。Find our true inner grace.

一切都真实的出现。The emergence of all true.

醒着的梦游,真实的自我。Is awaking sleepwalk, real.