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他一定是急不可耐地要回家。He must be impatient to get back home.

这些马都急不可耐地要飞跑起来。The horses were raring to have a gallop.

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我一路追逐狂啸的风,将急不可耐I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung

他做事总是急不可耐,缺乏理性。He is always impatient in doing things, lacking reason.

亲爱的,快些,孩子们已坐在车里,早就急不可耐了。Hurry up, dear, the children are already in the car raring to go.

一群急不可耐的股东正在大公司外面等待。A crowd of eager shareholders are waiting outside the big company.

使我惊讶不已的是,汉娜在我们出发前几天也变得急不可耐的样子了。To my amazement, Hanna started getting restless days before we left.

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我急不可耐地等着晚间的到来,这样可以把你召到我面前。Impatiently, I waited for evening, when I might summon you to my presence.

我急不可耐的想要退休,那样就可以随时做想做的事情了。I can’t wait until I’m retired because then I can do what I want when I want.

为什麽总统和其它人后来又急不可耐地对裁决表示支持呢?And why the hasty after-indorsement of the decision, by the President and others?

乌鸦闻到血腥味,急不可耐地狂叫着,在白桦树上飞来飞去。Some crows, scenting blood, flitted to and fro among the birches, cawing impatiently.

对于那些拥有智能手机且急不可耐的用户,现在就手机登陆吧。For those of you who have smartphones, and can’t wait, check on your mobile.

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在你失业的头三十天,你心中肯定充满了害怕、焦虑和急不可耐。The first 30 days after a job loss will no doubt be filled with fear, anxiety and impatience.

这只猴子急不可耐地跳下来,想一试身手,现学现卖。The monkey came down in great haste, for it wished to try this new game that it had just been studying.

把碰巧进入头脑的东西写出来,采用急不可耐的、妄自尊大的口气。Proceed to pronounce on anything that happens to come to mind. Use a tone that is urgent and highfalutin.

谭捷做事稳重,不放心谭小燕急不可耐的态度,将莫莉叫来到自己的办公室。Tan Jie work sedate, xiao-yan tan is not assured of impatient attitude, will be called Molly came to his own office.

在我眼里,他就是一个急不可耐的残杀孩子的凶手,还认为如果我们看到他的手,就会遇到大麻烦。I recognized him as a repressed maniacal child killer, and knew that if we ever saw his hands we'd be in big trouble.

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他箭步冲进里间办公室,像个卖空头的人急于补足那样急不可耐。他对直冲向速记员的办公桌。He dashed into the inner office with the haste of a short trying to cover. He charged upon the desk of the stenographer.

我急不可耐地想回到加拿大去,并且很乐意来到北方的道森一窥金矿今日的面貌。I could not wait to return to Canada, and was grateful to head north to Dawson to get a view of the goldfields of today.

乌干达发现的巨大石油储量让全国兴奋不已,整个国家都急不可耐。The discovery of vast oil reserves in Uganda has caused excitement across the country, and more than a touch of anxiety too.