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穹丘的横断面为圆形或卵圆形。The domes are circular or ovoid in cross-section.

方法整群抽样,横断面调查。Method cluster sampling and cross sectional study.

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种子背面扁平在横断面上,表面凹。Seed flattened dorsally in cross section, face concave.

道路横断面设计是道路设计的重要组成部分。The cross section design is an important part of the road design.

计算每个椎间隙处的硬膜囊横断面积。Thecal sac cross-sectional area was calculated at each disc space.

横断面MRI显示分叶状室管膜瘤。Here is a transverse MRI scan that reveals the lobulated ependymoma.

并提出咽旁间隙在横断面上的最佳显示平面。The dominant plane for showing the parapharyngeal space was suggested.

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板形控制是控制带材或是薄钢板横断面形状和纵向平直度的。Shape control is control profile and control flatness of strip or sheet.

方法采取横断面病例-对照相关分析。Methods This study was a population-based cross-sectional case-control study.

在冠状面和横断面上测量正常视神经整体的上下径和横径。Vertical and transverse diameters of the optic nerve were measured on MR scanner.

截面数据,横断面数据指在某一时点所取得的一套观察数据。Cross-sectional data A set of data involving observations taken at one point in time.

实施寰椎后弓侧块螺钉固定术之前,需要对寰椎横断面CT等进行测量,确定置钉的安全区域。It is necessary to confirm the safe area by using axial CT of Atlas before screw fixation.

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如将显微镜载物台旋转,便能从纤维横断面中看到第三层胞壁。A third layer of transverse cellulose strands is indicated as the microscope stage is rotated.

然后在以上体位分别测定和比较腰椎间盘厚度、腰椎前凸曲线和硬脊膜囊横断面积。Disc height, lumbar lordosis, and DCSA were measured and the different positions were compared.

本文采用MAS-1图象分析系统,对受拉伸后的狗股动脉横断面积进行了测量。The MAS-1 image analysing system was used to measure the transection area of stretched arteries.

目的观测中国可视化人体男性脊柱区颈段连续横断面的重要结构。Objective To observe the important structure of cervical spine of the first Chinese visible human.

因子模式、报酬共通时间序列变异、平均报酬横断面变异。Factor Model, Common Time-Series Variation in Returns, Cross-Sectional Variation in Average Returns.

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采用有限元方法分析了棒材连续热轧中变形区及出变形区时轧件横断面温度场。The temperature field of the bar in and out the deformation zone during rolling is simulated by FEM.

方法2005年-2015年每年某一天医院感染横断面调查病原菌检出情况。Methods in 2005-2015 a year one day hospital infection pathogen detection were cross-sectional survey.

传统的高速公路横断面设计中,各种边坡形式都由简单的直坡段组成。The side slope shape is always made up of simple linear slopes in traditional highway transect design.