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水池容水量约为50立方码。The pool bulks about 50 cubic yards.

安装一个贮水量小的抽水马桶。Install a flush toilet with small pondage.

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采用针式节流阀门,控制进水量。It adopt pin style throttle to control inflow.

离心泵扬程较高,但出水量不大,适用于。High lift pump , but water is not applicable to.

这三个中的一个已经有稳定的水量。Out of those three, one has steady levels of water.

明确了消火栓消防水量的确定方法。The paper make it clear of water quantity for hydrant.

冷凝器是圆桶体,捕水量为800kg。The condenser is 800kg capacity unit, cylindrical in shape.

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添加正确的水量和组装的过滤器。Add the correct amount of water and reassemble the percolator.

阿克苏河是塔里木河来水量最大的源流。Akesu River is the maximum runoff source flows of Tarim River.

如果尿液是类似柠檬水的浅黄,则证明补水量正合适。If it is light yellow like lemonade, your hydration is just right.

平均每秒钟的流出水量达到6千5百万升。It discharges an average of 65 million liters of water per second.

每天以“积极的思想”予以灌溉,并要保持水量充沛。Drench daily with positive thinking and keep saturated just right.

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不同灌水量对春茬番茄影响比秋茬大。Effect of different irrigation on spring crop more than autumn crop.

而仅仅三年前,其的贮水量都有400亿立方米。Just three years ago, reserves held 40 billion cubic meters of water.

开展对红壤丘岗区水量平衡的研究,显得非常重要。It is important to study the water budget in hilly region of red soil.

河流水量的主要来源,又被称为一条河流的水量补给。The main source of river water, also known as a river of water supply.

还没有,但冰川的水量影响着河流的流量。Not yet, but the amount of glacier water affects a river's flow volume.

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我登上那座山发现一个水量很大的喷泉。I mounted the mountain and found a fountain with large amount of water.

河流水量补给的另─重要来源是冰雪融水补给。River water supply is another important source of snow melt water supply.

该模型基本反映了通波塘水量水质的时变情况。It Generally reflects the changes of water quantity and quality with time.