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想跟静寂私奔?Want to elope with hush?

鸿渐知道这是暴风雨前的静寂。It was the lull before the storm.

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神圣的静寂和宽慰慢慢沉落。Blessed silence and relief descend.

还有午睡时的静寂。There is the silence of the siesta.

凄然沉没于每个静寂的夜。Drearily sink into every silent night.

这种静寂就像殡仪馆中的宁静。As quiet as the funeral parlor had been.

会是在最后的痉挛之后归于静寂吗?Will final spasm be followed by silence?

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探出身来,斜倚着,使紧闭的房间一片静寂。Leaned out, leaning, hushing the room enclosed.

他们不作声时,屋子里比乡间小道还要静寂。As they fell silent the room was stiller than a country lane.

火焰四起,一片静寂,很多人被烧了。There was fire everywhere and silence and bodies were burning.

即使死神将我的身形藏匿,更浩瀚的静寂将我包围。And though death may hide me, and the greater silence enfold me.

静寂中突然响起的脚上声使她感到毛骨悚然。The sudden sound of footsteps in silence made her blood run cold.

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突然间,我意识到周围一片静寂,只有我们发出的嗤嗤声。Suddenly I realized that there was dead silence except for our zipping.

它静寂的流水,静寂而又寒冷,带着雪一般懒洋洋斜躺着的百合。Their still waters, still and chilly with the snows of the lolling lily.

一条白色的水练,静寂得象梦一样,在结了冰的堤岸中间蜿蜒流进。Silent as a dream, a white rope of water coiled between its frozen banks.

回答我的是穿过这静寂夜空的一阵尖厉而恶魔似的狂笑。I was answered through the stillness of night by a loud and fiendish laugh.

夜色愈深,路上静寂。萤火在草间闪烁。The night grows dark and the road lonely. Fireflies gleam among the leaves.

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我们学佛,也是要学得「静寂清澄」的心境。We learn Buddhism so we can learn to develop a pure and tranquil state of mind.

它的静寂被利用,去鼓励顺从,这绝非真正的意图。Its peace has been used to encourage passiveness, and this was never the intent.

不久,孩子的吵闹声使从前静寂的邻里不再安静。Before long, the once quiet neighborhood became active with the sounds of a child.