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毒品也是诱变效应。The drug is also mutagenic effects.

用NG诱变枯草杆菌168所得的一个突变型。A mutant of B. subtilis 168 mutagenized with NG.

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用来评价化学物质是否具有潜在诱变性的技术。Technique to assess the mutagenic potential of a chemical.

我怎样才能停止诱变剂自动更新ID3的版本吗?。How can I stop mutagen automatically updating the ID3 version?

目的观察枢复宁的诱变作用。Objective To observe the effect of ondansetron induced mutation.

结论物理诱变可以有效提高弹性蛋白酶的酶活。Conclusion Physical mutagenesis can enhance the activity of elastase.

大量碳氢化合物如苯并芘也是诱变剂。A large number of hydrocarbons such as benzopyrene are also mutagenic.

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与SR软X射线相似,在高剂量下,诱变效应趋于下降。Like SR soft X-ray , the mutagenic effect inclined to decline at high dose.

诱变剂剂量与诱发SCE频率呈线性关系。The linear relationship between the dosage and SCE frequencies was analysed.

研究微波辐照诱变氧化铁硫杆菌T。The microwave radiation mutation of the thiobacillus ferrooxidans, called T.

叶绿素铜钠盐有抗诱变作用,有一定的应用价值。Chlorophyllin has the anti-mutagenic activity and it has certain value of use.

香叶木素具有抗诱变和抗变应性特性。The crane lignin has the anti-mutagenesis and the anti-allergy characteristic.

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因此在本试验条件下,之江菌素是一种非诱变剂。All test results are negative. Zhijiangmycin was non inducer in this condition.

并对今后空间诱变育种的前景和存在问题加以概述。The prospects and existing problems of space mutation breedings are summarized.

采用驯化与紫外线诱变并用的方法研制茶酒酵母。Methods of domestication and UV mutagenesis were used to prepare tea wine yeast.

目的观察甲萘氢醌二磷酸酯钠的诱变作用。Objective To observe the effect of menadiol sodium diphosphate induced mutation.

用电子束辐射唐菖蒲种球,研究唐菖蒲的诱变育种。Technique of mutation breeding in gladiola was studied by means of electron beam.

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说明原生质体融合和诱变育种是筛选高效菌种的有效途径。And this shew that Protoplast Fusion and Mutagenisis were good for fungus breeding.

抗诱变活性的大小与叶绿素的含量有关。The magnitude of anti-mutagenic activity is relevant to the content of chlorophyll.

本试验利用4NQO为诱变剂处理蚕豆种子,研究其诱变效应。This study treating seeds of vicia faba in 4NQO aberration, study it mutagen effect.