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他们都是我的前辈。They are all my seniors.

前辈过奖了!The elder generation overpraised!

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正如我说过的那样,我的前辈们放弃了我。As I have said, my elders gave me up.

我对全度妍前辈有很高的敬意。I have high respect for Jeon Do Yeon sonbaenim.

美朱的兄长,魏的大学前辈。Miaka's older brother and Taka's college senpai.

我的前辈安德鲁·卡尔德更守纪律。my predecessor Andrew Card was much disciplined.

阿兹特克人,玛雅人和他们的前辈,第4版。The Aztecs, Maya, And Their Predecessors, 4Th Edition.

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在他的作品中,他成段剽窃他前辈的成果。In his writings , he borrowed passages from his elders.

他改变了前辈哲学家那种放空炮的做法。He changed the blank practice of the elder philosophers.

米老鼠是诸多人工生命前辈中的一个。Mickey Mouse is one of the ancestors of artificial life.

给你颁发诺贝尔奖杯仅仅意味着你对当权者所做的的劳务获得了重视,给予你荣誉是因为你已经是一个温顺的,优良的奴才,是因为你还没误入歧途,还没有偏离前辈的轨道。Giving the Nobel prize to a person simply means that your

像其前辈一样,该转换可以扩展。Like its predecessor, this transformation can be extended.

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他说,“我们可以回头去修正前辈们留下的错误了。”We can go back and reassess the mistakes of our ancestors.

同时,他继承了前辈花拉子米关于一元二次方程的解法。And he inherited al-Khwarizmi's solution to quadratic equation.

我们需要帮助青年人在追求和平中,超越他们的前辈。And we need to help them outperform us in the pursuit of peace.

此外,你还可以从"前辈"那里得到各种实用的建议。You can talk to gappers who have been away for various advices.

而最后,他没有前辈们对贵族政治的强烈赞同。And last, he did not share their strong aristocratic sympathies.

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辛吉斯迷倒球迷,并使他们想起与她同名的网坛前辈。Martina Hingis charms the fans and reminds them of her namesake.

望前辈们为小弟指点一下迷津!Look at elder people show a labyrinth for little younger brother!

人们很喜欢拿它们来开玩笑,也更容易把他们当作我们的前辈。They’re easy to make fun of and easy to accept as our precursors.