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“绝对湿度解释了其中大多数的变化,”萨门说道。"Absolute humidity conditions explain most of these changes, " Shaman said.

研究者们并不完全清楚为什么流感病毒喜欢低的绝对湿度。The researchers do not know exactly what it is about low absolute humidity that the flu virus likes.

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空气中水蒸汽量的度量。既可以以绝对湿度,也可以以相对湿度表示。The measure of the amount of water vapor in air, expressed as either the absolute or relative humidity.

绝对湿度是指在给定温度的情况下,空气中所含的水蒸气重量的绝对值。Absolute humidity is a measurement of the total amount of water vapor in the air at a given temperature.

他们档案室因为需要控制绝对湿度,所以购买了一台专用设备。In order to control the absolute humidity, they bought a piece of special equipment for the archives office.

由于以前的研究也记录了绝对湿度的情况,所以萨门的研究小组重新分析了这些数据,发现了两者之间的较强的相关性。After reanalyzing these past studies, which also contained data on absolute humidity, Shaman's team found a much more powerful connection.

但他们建议,在流感容易传播的地方如医院和医疗诊所,应该提高绝对湿度。But they suggest that absolute humidity levels be raised in buildings such as hospitals and medical clinics where the disease most often spreads.

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美国最新研究表明,空气绝对湿度与流感病毒的传播有密切关系。New US research indicates that the absolute humidity, which measures the amount of water present in the air, is the key to reducing the spread of flu.

相对湿度,是空气中绝对湿度与饱和湿度的比值,它随着温度变化。Relative humidity, a percentage, is the ratio between the water vapor present and the air's saturation point, a figure that changes with the temperature.

“一个关键的问题是有多少流感病毒在热带地区传播”——这个地区终年有着较高的绝对湿度——“并且它和温带地区的的关系是什么,”他说。"One really key question is how much influenza is transmitted in tropical locations"—places with high absolute humidity year-round—"and how this compares to temperate parts of the world, " he said.