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他们不卑不亢地接受了和平提议。They accepted the peace proposal with dignity.

她不卑不亢地接受了他们的祝贺。She accepted their congratulations with becoming modesty.

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但本书的主人公萨拉却做到了,她天生谦恭有礼,不卑不亢,纯真和善。She is inborn modest and polite, innocent and kind, but not insignificant or orgulous.

但书中的主人公萨拉却做到了,她天生谦恭有礼,不卑不亢,纯真和善,这是她用拥有公主的气质。She was born as a polite, pure and graceful girl, which were the qualities of a princess.

我在平时就要求自己乐于助人,不卑不亢,爱憎分明。I usually will ask your helpful, neither overbearing nor servile, likes and dislikes clearly.

朋友早有心理准备,依然表情自然,不卑不亢。The friend had the psychological preparation early, so still expression nature, neither arrogant nor servile.

在谈判桌前,他慷慨陈词,不卑不亢地表述了我方观点。In front of the negotiation table, his impassioned speech demonstrated our points in a way neither servile nor overbearing.

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商务人员在对外商务谈判中既要坚持己见又要尊重对方,既礼貌得体又不卑不亢。Business personnel in foreign business negotiations should insist on your own opinion and to respect each other, both polite decent and thus.

你应该尽量把自己和对方摆在一个平起平坐的地位,不卑不亢地、客观全面地来写,这样才是好书评。You should place yourself in equal status, neither overbearing nor humble, and write the review as objectively and comprehensively as possible.

商务人员在对外商务谈判中既要坚持己见又要尊重对方,既礼貌得体又不卑不亢。Businessmen should both stick to their own ideas and respect the other side, behave politely and properly, and be neither humble nor haughty in business negotiations.

不管给上级汇报工作,还是给下级布置任务,始终记住你要给人留下不卑不亢的印象。Whether you report to your superiors on your work or assign tasks to your subordinates, always remember to give both the impression that you are modest but confident.

接待外国客人时,态度应不卑不亢、热情大方,严格遵守时间,不迟到、早退,或无故缺席。While receiving a foreign guest, the attitude is in response to the cordial but independent, enthusiasm generous, strict obey time, don't be late, leave early, or be absent without cause.

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人们只有不急不躁,不卑不亢,不骄不满,保持心态祥和,不为名利所动、所困,就能走出“饿猴子”的困境。Only when people don't worry not rashness, thus, not arrogant discontent, keep your heart, not for peace, being moved by trapped fame and wealth, you can walk out "hungry monkey" predicament.

有些父母担心儿子们在不确定的经济环境中的前程,于是寄希望于男性榜样力量,认为这些榜样可以教会男孩勇气、不卑不亢和牺牲精神。Some parents worry about their sons' prospects in an uncertain economy, so they are putting their hopes in male role models who they believe impart lessons on assertiveness, courage and sacrifice.

从这故事看来,平常就养成恭敬长者的习惯,锻炼出不卑不亢的应对的谈吐,是做人做事成功的基础。From this story, we can see that developing the habit of respecting our elders and speaking in a way that is neither lowly nor overbearing will ensure our success in dealing with people and matters.