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好走的路总已被布上地雷。The cozy way is always mined.

好走的路总是布有地雷。The easy way is always mined.

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好走的路总已被布上地雷。The easy way is always mined.

好走的路总已被布上地雷。The simple way is always mined.

吓得托默差点一膝盖跪了下去,原来那里就埋了一颗地雷。He'd nearly knelt on a land mine.

其性质和加密到地雷。And encipher his nature into mine.

地雷,你,还想扭胯麽?Landmine ? Want to do the hip twist ?

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名仕约翰逊投资斯科蒂的地雷。Mister Johnson invested in Scotty's mine.

他用海上部队埋设地雷,这些都是合法的目标。He was using maritime forces to lay mines.

二战时一颗地雷使他变成了残废。A mine invalided him in the Second World War.

不能把所有的地雷都背到信号人的身上!Not all the mines are back to the signal'man.

那么氢原子是不可避免的地雷吗?So are hydrogen atoms unavoidable space mines?

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所有通往这座城市的道路都埋设了地雷。All the roads leading to the city had been mined.

作为防御兵种,你有阔剑地雷。In a defensive role you have four claymore mines.

坦克也进不来,整个地区布满了地雷。They never come with tanks, the whole area is mined.

它与克莱莫地雷一样没有致命性。It is the less- lethal equivalent of a claymore mine.

手表的分针移动速度比没有地雷。A watch's minute hand moves more quickly than did mine.

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通往驻防地的道路上地雷密布。The approaches to the garrison have been heavily mined.

士兵们小心翼翼地探测前方的地雷。The soldiers probed cautiously ahead of them for mines.

但今天至少有个好消息,没有新的地雷被发现。But at least on this day, there's good news. No new mines.