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因为他是一个自成一家的词人。Because he is a poet of independent.

一个大它者就是单一的大它者,足够让一种语言自成一家灵活之言。An Other is an Other, and a single one is sufficient for a tongue to be alive.

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徐渭的泼墨写意花鸟画,别开生面自成一家。Xu Wei's"freehand ink"painting techniques for the bird, spectacular dreams of.

夏加尔以其独特的艺术风格,在西方现代艺术史上独树一帜,自成一家。Chagall's distinct artistic character makes him famous in Modern Western Art history.

抒情特色使沈从文的小说自成一家,具有鲜明的个人风格。Lyric features make Shen Congwen's novel stands apart with a distinctive personal style.

其散文独树一帜,自成一家,历来受人称道,被誉为真正的美文。Her essays are known as the real belles-lettres have received a lot of praise with create a separate school.

中国受过教育的人仍旧一心一意要练好书法,也就是说,要使自己写的字刚劲有力和自成一家。It is still the great ambition of educated Chinese to write well-that is , with force and individual expression.

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其实王阳明作为传统文化的巨人,诗文自成一家,书法也很有造诣。Actually as a traditional cultural giant, he was also good at poetry and calligraphy. Meanwhile, he had a sense of responsibility.

他取得了一定的成就,在当代文学批评中自成一家。During the course, WANG Bin-bin has obtained certain achievement and formed his unique style in the contemporary literature critics.

首先从张大复曲谱的体例编纂方面来看,可以发现他的曲谱原创性颇高,能独立于当时蔚为流行的蒋孝九宫谱系统之外而自成一家。Zhang's compositional style is so original that his work can be seen as independent from Jiang Xiaojiu's system of gongpu popular then.

因为钱穆先生对中国历史尤其是对中国历代思想家及其思想源流的研究和考辨,均自成一家之言。Because the Chien Mu in Chinese history, especially ancient Chinese thinkers and their ideas and the Textual Origin of the study, all his works of words.

矛盾的是,确定佛洛伊德领域能够自成一家之言的差异,在佛洛伊德的领域是一个本质上损失的领域。Paradoxically, the difference which will most surely guarantee the survival of Freud's field, is that the Freudian field is a field which, of its nature, is lost.

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儒家的“中和”思想是元好问散文审美理论的基石,“不随人后,自成一家”是元好问散文审美的创新追求。The thought of Confucian harmony was the basis of Yuan's aesthetic theory about prose, his creative ideology lay in "carving a new way rather than following others".

长期的儒家教化造就了循规蹈矩的民族习惯,湮灭了挑战权威、自成一家之说的创新型思维。The long-time Confucian influence has created a national habit of following rules docilely and stifled the new thinking of challenging authority and having one's own style.

在一定程度上,文学元素的融入使其漫画别具一格,而绘画元素的渗透又使其随笔自成一家。To some extent, the integration of literary elements into his comic makes the comic unique, and the integration of painting elements into his literature makes his essay extremely influential.