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换句话说,就是,强占劳动果实。In other words, it means taking the fruits of my labor.

投资人正押注其他可能强占市场的技术.Investors are betting on other technologies taking hold.

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而在印度,腐败是没有死刑的,而且1894年的土地法案是用来进行土地强占的。No such thing in India, and 1894 land act was used for land grab.

你谋杀了一个无辜的人并强占了他的财产。Youhave murdered a innocent man and have taken his belongings too.

若外来的公猴强占母猴群就会发生悲剧。A hostile take-over of the troop by an outsider male means tragedy.

任何国家都不可以对强占的地区申索主权。You can not extend sovereignty over the area that you forcibly occupy.

虽然已过去七年之久,但应归法拉尼先生所有的住房仍然被强占。Yet seven years later, the title to Mr. Farani’s house is still up for grabs.

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仔细想想,诺齐克说征税相当于强占收入。Nozick says, if you think about it, taxation amounts to the taking of earnings.

只是已婚男子还蠢蠢欲动,或强占强霸就另当别论了。Just married man still eager for action, or strong had strong to be another matter.

国内外的各大银行也都纷纷强占信用卡市场。The domestic and foreign each big bank also allin abundance usurps the credit card market.

在澳大利亚,有一群雄蜂随香寻源,强占了一株王蜘蛛兰。Following a perfume trail to its source, male wasps in Australia ravish a king spider orchid.

这里写的这种令人害怕的体验,圣对人的强占。The frightening experience that Yeats evokes here is the imposition of the divine on the human.

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把这个与活动对象比较,活动对象允许在一个线程中实现非强占式的多任务调度。Compare this with active objects which allow non preemptive multi-tasking within a single thread.

同时,俄国还通过武装渗透等方式,强占了中国帕米尔的大部分地区。Moreover, Russia still accroached the most regions of the Chinese Pamirs by the military penetration.

日本在1905年占领了韩国,强占了五年并强硬的管制着这片土地。Japan had occupied Korea in 1905, annexed it five years later and ruled the territory with an iron grip.

栾学堂拿出维持会哄抬物价,强占土地的证据,逼得喜多下令彻查这件事。Luan school out nearer to bid up prices, evidence of land grabs, drove more ordered to investigate this matter.

他绑架诈取赎金,偷东西,还强占别人土地。A follower of the bandit landlord Ko Tseng-chiang, he kidnaped people for ransom, stole goods and plundered land.

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这一时期列强侵华的主要方式是从“以华治华”到强占中国。Invasion of China by foreign powers during this period is mainly from the "China Zhi-hua, " to the occupation of China.

黑客强占电脑已经够混蛋的了,现在科学家担心,有一天他们会攻陷你的大脑。Hackers who commandeer your computer are bad enough. Now scientists worry that someday, they’ll try to take over your brain.

如果政府有权强占我的劳动果实,这就说明它确实有权强迫我劳动。If the state has a right to claim the fruits of my labor, that implies that it really has an entitlement to my labor itself.