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你这张快嘴!You while big mouth!

你这张快嘴!You and your big mouth!

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安吉拉曾是她下属中一个快嘴的人。Angela was a fast subordinate of hers.

乐观者就喜欢用他们的“快嘴”斩乱麻。Optimists love to talk their way through.

他是出了名的快嘴,说起话来特别扎耳朵。He is well known for his quick tongue, and always says sharp things.

“是的,是的,我想我不会弄错。”快嘴的内洛说。"Yes, yes, I thought I could not be mistaken. " said the rapid Nello.

于是,我打电话给“吉尼斯”,询问如何打破快嘴纪录。Then I called Guinness to find out how to break a fast-talking record.

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第二天,那篇文章就见报了,作者末了连我试图打破“世界最快嘴女性”纪录的那段分别时的应酬话也捎带上了。The newspaper article came out the next day , and the writer had included my parting remarks about trying to break the World's Fastest-Talking Female record.

由于唱饶舌乐仅需要反应迅捷和巧舌快嘴,因此没有钱上音乐课和买乐器的非裔美籍年轻人开始流行起这种音乐。Because the only things rap required were quick wits and an equally quick tongue, it caught on with young African-Americans who could not afford music lessons or instruments.

民主党几位大佬都表示支持菅直人,菅直人是个快嘴的政治老手,在与臃肿的日本官僚体系的斗争中赢得声誉。Several leading members of the governing Democratic Party threw their support behind Mr. Kan, a sharp-tongued political veteran who earned a name for himself by battling Japan’s powerful bureaucrats.