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若是你喜欢戏剧献技,就加退学校的戏剧社团。If you enjoy representing in plays join your school's thespian club.

欧比喜欢听我弹唱,但从没尝试加入献技“。Obi loves listening to me playing, but he never attempts to join in.

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伦敦的例行献技中上台的那些舞者简直就是群魔乱舞。The da certaincing was a lttle word straggly in the " London " routine.

而走钢索者以为这些话是要他上场,便开始献技。But the rope-dancer, who thought the words applied to him, began his performance.

但是他的夸张献技没有被接受因而他在开幕当晚被立刻解聘了。But his over-acting didn't go down well and he was fired shortly before opening night.

这次他们在北大的登台献技,给中国观众带来了天籁之音般的音乐享受。Their performance on the night of Mar. 12th brought to Chinese audience's ears the heavenly harmony of music.

作为一位多才多艺的演奏家,邱氏不单是出色的弦乐手,亦是一位钢琴家,获邀于室乐演奏会中献技无数。A versatile artist, Amy is also highly sought after in Chamber music settings, as a string player as well as a pianist.

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舞台上,献技者正在为演出做好调试乐器和设备的准备。On the stage the performers are shuffling their music and tuning their instruments as they prepare for the performance.

模仿生活中的各种场景,献技“告成家长”的各种发挥,天然你的脾气就会变好。Simuline of life in the scene. performing" successful pare nots" various manifestines. the nature of your temper will become good.

多位工艺大师驾临名优中心现场献技,展示平日难得一见的创作技艺。Many Guangzhou arts & crafts masters will live show their skill, it will definitely be a good opportunity to experience Canton arts.

岛内还设有多个表演场为游客进行杂技、魔术、歌舞等表演,多个艺术团每天在此轮番献技。The island also has a number of performances for tourists to carry out field acrobatics, magic, song and dance performances, and so on, a number of troupes perform turns on this day.

中国目前资源安全态势严峻,相关学者纷纷就此展开研究,并向国家献技献策。Presently, China is being confronted with a severe situation of resources security, which many related scholars have been discussing and studying, and have got a lot of constructive suggestions.