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这里的天气诡谲多变。The weather here is treacherous.

海,真是个诡谲多变的怪物。The sea, is really a volatile monster.

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要摸清那些诡谲多变的股票、债券和商品交易的来龙去脉。Learn the ins and outs of savvy stock, bond and commodities trading.

美国NOAA的海啸预测模型也用来测试这个诡谲的事件。NOAA's tsunami forecast models were put to the test for this perplexing event.

实际上,判断这些历史事件背后隐藏的真相会变得越来越诡谲。Determining what was going on beneath those events could get increasingly tricky.

我该如何形容诡谲三的人从来没有听说过或听到他们之前呢?How do I describe the Treacherous Three for someone who has never heard of or listened to them before?

在接二连三的诡谲案件中,调查组原事实真相,破除坊间迷信。In the case of the treacherous one after another, the investigation group of raw facts, get rid of the old wives.

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她能打败诡谲多变的海水、忍受冰冷的温度,并将体能推到极限,鼓舞了许多层级的人,甚至让两个国家重修旧好!and push her body to such extreme limits inspires people on so many levels. It even can bring countries together!

在中共诡谲多变的政局中,康生如何在政治风暴中屹立不摇并高升至中共副主席,在此将做深入讨论。We will explore how Kang Sheng would stand in the storm of CPC and how he was promoted to the Vice-President of CPC.

从斯特兰奇的观点中,有没有企业因为诡谲多变的国际金融市场而受益或招致损失?In her view, have firms benefited or suffered as a result of increasing volatility in international financial markets?

邪恶,诡谲、犯罪等等对共和国来说是痈疽,对君主政治来说却是健全和赖以生存的要素。The vices, concealments, and crimes which are the diseases of republics are the very health and existence of monarchies.

第二个一半他的远航显然是更加危险的部分,在期间他航行围绕诡谲海角垫铁。The second half of his voyage was by far the more dangerous part, during which he sailed round the treacherous Cape Horn.

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不过既勇敢又有耐心的读者将会对物理的诡谲与启发性略有所悟。But readers who are both doughty and patient will be rewarded with a glimpse of physics at its quirkiest and most illuminating.

次受喜爱的是帷幕守护者,以诡谲的手段和奥秘技能与玛司提苟斯之道一致地共鸣。Nearly as favored are the Guardians of the Veil , whose subtle ways and Arcane Skills resonate agreeably with the Mastigos Path.

两国形势陷入波云诡谲,如我所料不差,他身为太子,多数应为而来。Two nation locations sink into cloud strange and changeful, such as I expect not wrong, he is a prince, bulk should be since then.

母亲的家像灯塔,她的仁慈和祝福使灯塔光芒四射,穿过诡谲多变的人生,直到我们找到天堂。A mother's love is like a beacon burning bright with faith and prayer, and through the changing scenes of life we can find a heaven there.

因此,冷战期间,老挝虽然是一个弹丸小国,同样被卷进了诡谲多变的国际政治斗争中。Therefore, during the cold war, though Laos is the small country of a shot, it involved in the complexed international political struggles too.

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再加上青濛濛的火光,照射在五颜六色的须发、衣物上,炫化出奇异的幻彩,显得无比的诡谲。The bluish touch light flashing on the hodgepodge of hair and clothes created a strange phantasmagoria of color, making the cave seem incomparably unique.

牟宗三试图以中国之圆教理论证成康德之圆善论,他认为德与福在圣人处诡谲地相即就是圆善实现。Mou Zongsan tries to achieve Kant's supreme good with Chinese perfect religion, and he thinks that virtue and happiness are tied in saint with strange way.

警察临战谋略具有激烈的对抗性,神秘的诡谲性,高度的保密性,有力的统合性和应用对象的针对性。The strategies of policing facing battles are fiercely antagonistic, mysteriously strange and changeful, highly secret, powerfully integrated, and clearly aimed.