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共享一份鱼肉怎么样?How about sharing a dish?

来一块鱼肉三明治怎么样?How about a fish sandwich?

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每周保证有一餐鱼肉进膳。Eat fish at least once a week.

去鱼皮、鱼骨,再把鱼肉片成薄片。Skin, bone and flake the fish.

安用叉子叉起些鱼肉送入口中。Ann forked some fish into her mouth.

地主鱼肉农民。The landlord preyed upon the peasants.

鲩鱼肉洗净,切片,下腌料拌匀。Wash fish and slice. Mix with marinade.

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鱼肉不宜切得过细或过薄!Do not cut fish fillet too fine or thin!

干月桂叶是烹制鲭鱼肉极佳的调味料。Bay leaf is an excellent herb for mackerel.

即使“全鱼”寿司盒所含的鱼肉也不多。Even 'fish' sushi boxes don't contain much.

鱼肉常存放在冷藏库中。Meat and fish are often kept in cold storage.

肯德基用鱼肉假冒黄金蟹斗引发网络骂声一片。Crab meat in KFC dish raises stink on the Net.

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因此教育成了砧板上的鱼肉任人宰割。As a result, education is on the chopping block.

再取一只浅磁容器,放入鱼肉片。Place fillets in a shallow, nonreactive container.

乌鸦用弯曲的铁线从瓶子里取出了一块鱼肉crow takes the hook and fishes meat out of the tube

要求你的鱼肉商帮你将鱼开成鱼排。Ask your fish monger to prepare the fish into fillets.

约10分钟后,检查鱼肉熟的程度。Begin checking the fish for doneness after 10 minutes.

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在过去他们凶神恶煞般地鱼肉百姓。They were like devils preying on the people in the past.

要使用足够大的锅,要让每一块鱼肉都可以平放在锅底上。Use a pan big enough to lay each piece of fish down flat.

同时,将红鲷鱼肉放在一个有边的烤盘中。Meanwhile, place snapper fillets on a rimmed baking sheet.