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大多数时候,她轻轻松松的牵着狗散步长达一小时。Most days she took the dog for a brisk, hour-long walk.

在网上轻轻松松就可以找到便宜的片源。You can easily find used copies for pretty cheap online.

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却不像好莱坞电影,轻轻松松便掠走了好多人心。But unlike Hollywood, they made off with a lot of easy people.

丢下一大家的人给别人照顾,自己却轻轻松松地走开去打仗。Waltzing away to war and leaving others to take care of his family.

看到“波诺论贫困”这个节目时,你只会轻轻松松地把电视机关掉。It's simple to turn off the TV when you see Bono talking about poverty.

这是一个小程序。如果你是经验丰富比这将是一个轻轻松松。This is a small program. If you are experienced than it will be a breezed.

让我们教你轻轻松松做自己的开运大师!Let us show you some easy ways to turn yourself into a master of good luck.

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我喜欢周末去看电影,是晚上轻轻松松出去消遣的最好办法。I like to go to the movies on the weekend. It's the perfect low-key night out!

良好的肩膀轻轻松松,突出和后躯的角度恰当。The shoulders are well laid back and the fore and hindquarters are well angulated.

据库,使您瞬间即可拥有一间完美的网店,轻轻松松做老板。According to the library, make you instantly can have a perfect online, unwind bosses.

拥有了这项技术为您的简历增色,定能保您轻轻松松找到工作!It’s the Real Thing, so students can find jobs easily with this course on their resume!

世间竟有这么残酷的父亲,自己轻轻松松地骑在驴背上,却让那么小的孩子走路,真可怜!You ride on the donkey comfortably, but let such a little child walk. What a poor child!

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我一直在这门上下功夫,我相信我会轻轻松松地通过考试。I have teen working hard at the subject. I'm sure I Can pass the exam standing on my head.

一包在手,让你轻轻松松赚取众人的艳羡目光,做引领时尚潮流之达人。It is easy for you to catch all by-standers' eye light with it and to be a fashion leader.

以88比73的领先比分进入第四节,迈阿密似乎轻轻松松就能在系列赛中取得宝贵的2比0的领先了。Leading 88-73 in the final quarter, Miami looked to be easing to a priceless 2-0 series lead.

只要我们有勇气,就能够探索爱情的奥秘,能够轻轻松松,能够真的去爱。We all just need to find the courage to swim in the mystery of it all, to let go, and to love.

他还表示,我们可以轻轻松松地再拍出五部,不过那样就毫无艺术价值可言了。“We could easily make five more, but we would throw artistic value out the window,” he added.

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专家的伴读指导,让您轻轻松松为孩子说故事,享受美好的阅读时光!With interaction guides from experts, enjoy lovely moments with your child through story-telling!

轻轻松松、毋需大费周折,我们在几小时甚至几分钟内就可以完成可能数周才能完成的“艰辛工作”。You can do in a matter of hours or even minutes what it might take weeks to do through “hard work.”

但就是这种不登大雅之堂的小门面,现在一个月轻轻松松能玩转近20单转按揭业务。But is this unrefined small window, now almost 20 months now relax to film single-mortgage business.