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我们应该坐在他的服务区内。We should sit in his section.

在区内划设通风廊。Designate air corridors in the area.

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在罚球区内对方队员对他犯规。He was fouled inside the penalty area.

在禁猎区内不许打猎。No hunting is allowed in the preserve.

如今转向进进下一个航迹区内。Alter course for next leg of track now.

在厂区内未佩带识别证者。Not wearing ID badge in the factory area.

犯人们继续在一般牢房区内骚动。Inmates continue to riot in the cell block.

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目击者表示,行李提取区内座无虚席。Eyewitnesses said the baggage hall was packed.

区内设有会所及7800平方米地下车库。In a 7800 square metre underground garage and clubs.

区内含、隔水层组成复杂,由四个含水层和三个隔水层组成。There are 4 aquifers and 3 confining beds in the area.

认为自己是在发球区内打的球。A claimed that he played from within the teeing ground.

义工团友在「新兴」纺织集团的厂区内四处游览。The Volunteers visit the industrial area of "Sun Hing".

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但应在哪个存储区内创建这些对象呢?But which memory area should we create these objects in?

市中心区内最好的中餐海鲜火锅酒家。Best Chinese Seafood & Hotpot restaurant in Downtown area.

道岔区内病害形式多种多样。The kinds of diseases of the turnout zone are multifarious.

在青浦区内和周边有着许多风景名胜、历史遗迹。It has a lot of scenic spots & historical relics in the area.

在调查区内未发现中华白蛉。No Phlebotomus chinensis had been found in the surveyed area.

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区内企业标准厂房,美观大方、坚固耐用。Pre-made standard facilities for companies are neat and firm.

这份报纸大部分在商业区内销售。This newspaper circulates mostly in the commercial districts.

接下来,它将构建的项目导入到了新的工作区内。Next, it imports the projects to build into this new workspace.