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男人们做农活。The men did the farm work.

样样农活她都拿得起来。She can do every kind of farm work.

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我害怕了干农活。So I was afraid of doing farm work.

他训练马去干农活。He trained the horse to do farm work.

农忙季节他们帮助干农活。During busy seasons they help with field work.

我们像那些老农民教的那样做农活。We do farm work as the old peasant teaches us.

瞧!农人们正忙着在田间干农活。Look! The ① are ② doing flimb work in the fields.

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大多的农家还是靠人力来干农活的。Hence, most of the farm work was done by manpower.

若在这天干了农活,就属于犯忌句号。If, in this Heavenly Stems of the farm, they are taboo.

老农夫训练他的马为他干农活。The old farmer trained his horse to do farm work for him.

别看他身体不强,干起农活来可不善。He does not look strong, but he does all right in farm work.

这个畜牧场在饲养干农活的高头大马。The stock farm is raising big horses for work in the fields.

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所以家里的农活都由我的妈妈来料理。Therefore, the farm work at home is always done by my mother.

我花了两周帮我祖父做些农活。I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there.

亚历克斯和托尼在犁耙等农活方面都几乎变成新手了。Alex and Tony were turning awkward hands to plows and hoe handles.

然而,犁的出现,使得农活成了男人的工作。With the advent of the plough, however, farming became the work of men.

我帮他们干农活,扶助邻家的孩子温习功课。I possibly even helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons.

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他们准以为我喜欢跟北方佬交往,喜欢像干农活的黑奴一样卖苦力吧。They must think I enjoy associating with yankees and working like a field hand.

现在,家境稍微好些,地里农活也是机械化了。Now my family condition is getting better and all farm work is done by machines.

下定决心后,田白天教书、做农活,晚上刻苦学习。Once determined, Tian taught and farmed in the daytime and studied hard at night.