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本质是不变的。It is what it is.

配价的本质。The nature of valency.

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当然,其本质只是一个规范。Of course, it's just a spec.

这就是希望的本质。This is the essence of hope.

邪恶的本质是什么?What is the essence of evil?

我本质上是一个西方人。I am essentially a Westerner.

现在,奴隶制保卫战的本质是什么呢Now, how is slavery defended?

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这就是海啸的本质。That’s the nature of tsunamis.

两种方式在本质上是相同的It's still the same experiment.

从本质上来说,它都具有更强的可分析性。It's inherently more analyzable.

婚约性质从本质上说应属一种契约。Affiance is a contract in essence.

他认为力比多是单纯的能量,它解释了,激情的本质,为什么?It explains the nature of passion.

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从本质上说这是一门阅读课。It's essentially a reading course.

目标设定在本质是上一样的。The same is true for goal-setting.

谈论了婚姻的内在本质和目的所在。nature, the telos of marriage, is.

本质复杂度与偶发复杂度的比较Essential vs. accidental complexity

文学的本质是形象。Literature is, by nature, imaginal.

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教学的本质是学,教要转化为学。The nature of teaching is learning.

真实之美的本质是什么?What is the essence of true beauty?

让爱常伴你左右,而且这也是你与生俱来的特权,从本质上来讲,爱是属于你的。It is your birthright. And so it is.