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知道为什么我追查你到这里?Do you know why I do what I do?

帕克追查到格罗斯曼一家。Parker tracked down the Grossmans.

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那谣言经追查是他造的。The rumour has been traced back to him.

但是,我们最终会跟踪追查到它。However, we did eventually track it down.

那谣言经追查是个坏人造的。The rumor has been traced back to a bad man.

法律将追查到底,直到把他们抓捕归案。The law will haunt them until they are caught.

他们试图追查谣言的根源。They tried to trace the rumour to its source.

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我拱廊里面搜寻,凭眼力追查脏的针头。I hunt around the arcade, eyes peeled for a dirty needle.

电子银行交易的不可否认与可追查责任特性。Non-repudiation and accountability fore-banking transactions.

该参议员提出一项法案来追查那些不肯付子女扶养费的父亲。The senator introduced a bill designed to go after deadbeat dads.

欧洲航天局称,多亏了这次追查,事情开始柳暗花明了。Thanks to the crackdown, things are starting to improve, ESA said.

他们想要追查那些流言蜚语的根源。They want to run those rumours and slanders back to their sources.

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你要把被追查得这么紧的东西给卖出去,就先得把它运出国。Something this hot can't be sold until you get it out of the country.

其中三人被逮捕,漏网的一人正在被搜捕人员追查。Three people are under arrest with investigators looking for a fourth.

电脑芯片不像稀有的珠宝。它的优点是无法追查原主。Unlike rare jewels, chips have had the advantage of being untraceable.

而教师们说,他们无论如何也没法追查所有的作弊者。And faculty members say they can't track down all the cheaters anymore.

殷克斯特说,布雷维克在网上的通讯看来很容易追查清楚。And, says Inkster, his Internet communications appear to be easy to trace.

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他甚至没有保存那些信,不过即使他保存了,信也没法追查。He hadn't even kept the letters, but even if he had, they were untraceable.

警方已保证要追查此次爆炸事件有责任的人员。The police have promised to hound down those responsible for the explosion.

如果我打算帮助艾里斯和她父亲,就得追查到底。I had to get to the bottom of it if I was going to help Iris and her father.