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轻松处理团队客人分房。Easy handle rooming list of group.

有些情形下夫妻必须分房睡。In some cases, couples have to sleep in separate bedrooms.

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他们偶尔同床睡,有时分房睡。Sometimes they sleep in the same bed, sometimes they don't.

通常,使用的这部分房间或资源是对于用户来说距离最近或位置最方便的。Typically, these are the ones nearest or most conveniently located to the user.

婚后二人不断分房寓居,在共同的生活中,二人渐生爱意。Two people devote unceasingly marriage gave, in common life, two people are born love.

当然,最大的变化是取消福利分房政策。Of course, the biggest change is the abolition of the welfare housing distribution policy.

文红旗在分房榜上没看到自己的名字,她给兰贵成没打通电话。Wen the red flag, didnt see your name on the rooming list, she didnt give LanGuiCheng call.

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宿位男女分房,并于入住时由旅舍经理安排,家庭房则不在此限。Dormitories are separated by gender, and will be arranged by Hostel Manger, but will not be applied to Family Room.

文红旗找书记说房子之事,她让领导按原来的方案分房。Matter of the red flag find secretary said house, she let the leadership in accordance with the original plan time.

回去后,太太把事情告诉先生,于是两人只好忍耐三个月了而分房睡了。After goes back, the madam tells a sir the thing, then two people are forced enduring 3 months and divide a room to sleep.

第一,它毋庸置疑地证实她跟丈夫是分房睡的,这本身就是骇人听闻的了。First, it proved indubitably that she and her husband occupied separate rooms, in itself a shocking enough state of affairs.

从1998年取消福利分房之后,上海商品住宅市场发展迎来了一个新的高峰。The development of Shanghai residential market is being in a new era, since the abolition of welfare housing sharing in 1998.

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有四分之一夫妇的性生活受到打鼾的影响,而且另有25%的夫妇因为打鼾分房而睡。It not only affects one in four couples, but also is the reason that 25 percent of them prefer sleeping in different bedrooms.

如果不接受货币分房而要求政府安置,每个人将得到至少16平方米的保底居住面积。If we do not accept the request for monetary allocation for each person will be at least 16 square metres of living space Bulgaria.

1998年上海福利分房制度取消,房地产进入商品房时代。In 1998, Shanghai welfare housing system was abolished by the state Council, the real estate entered a new era of commodity houses.

在和妻子分房睡一年后,一天省吾偶然在妻子的卧室发现了一个封面是紫阳花的日记本。After sleeping separately from his wife for a year, Seigo found a diary with a cover of a hydrangea flower in his wife's bedroom by chance.

无休止的争吵,威尔的夜夜笙歌以及两人的分房睡都使得这对夫妇过着“分居”的生活。Endless fights, Will's nights out partying with the guys and sleeping in separate bedrooms have left the couple living two "separate lives."

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其核心内容就是取消福利性分房,同时加大职工工资中的住房消费含量。Its central content is to abolish benefit housing allocation, and at the same time to increase housing expense amounts in employee salaries.

无休止的争吵,威尔的夜夜笙歌以及两人的分房睡都使得这对夫妇过着“分居”的生活。Endless fights, Will's nights out partying with the guys and sleeping in separate bedrooms have left the couple living two "separate lives. ""

房改房是计划经济条件下实物分房的产物,社会对房改房物业管理需求巨大,而物业管理公司却难有作为。Now our society is in dire need of the property management of housing-reform houses but the property management company can do little about it.