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她莫小豆也是有骨气的!Her Mo Xiaodou also is backboned!

正在那个时候袋鼠妈妈和小豆走了过来。Just then Kanga and Roo came along.

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小豆的衣服上有些泥巴的污点。There were mud marks on Roo's shirt.

“小豆儿,你以后想去哪里?”“我要找娘、妹妹,还有小哥哥。”I'm going to find my mom, my sister ant the brother.

我想,那一刻的小豆豆该是多痛苦。I think that this is a painful moment in the small Dou.

黑小豆种皮可作为一种新型花色苷资源加以利用。V. hulls can be utilized as a new type of anthocyanins resource.

小豆蔻经常也在印度菜或印度香辣奶茶中找到。Cardamom is often a spice also found in Indian cooking or Chai Tea.

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甘薯菜,小豆蔻,肉豆蔻,藏红花,和玫瑰花瓣精华使用。In sweet dishes, cardamom, nutmeg, saffron, and rose petal essence are used.

取出小豆蔻籽,放入镬中与油同炒至香气溢出。加入蒜头及姜同炒。Deseed the cardamon, fry it in the saucepan with oil. Then add garlic& ginger.

绿豆象是小豆的主要仓贮害虫。One of the main stored grain insects of adzuki bean is Callosobruchus chinensis.

我去游泳,回来时饥肠辘辘,便用准备坐车的2元钱买了两碗小豆粥。I go swimming and come back hungry, they prepare the car with the 2 yuan to buy a small.

油热了后,加入小豆蔻子和桂皮卷,几秒钟后取出。When hot, add the cardamom pots and cinnamon stick, leave for a few seconds and then remove.

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猫头鹰和瑞比惊讶地看着小豆跑向花朵,摘起它,给了袋鼠妈妈。Owl and Rabbit watched in astonishment as Roo ran over to the flower, picked it up and gave it Kanga.

小豆减肥法将小豆炒熟,碾成粉末状,参与2勺牛奶,在进食前饮下2杯。Fry the red bean red bean diet, crushed into powder in 2 tablespoons milk, drink 2 cups before eating.

本产品用于大豆、小豆和谷子、小麦、水稻等作物脱粒。The utility model can be used for threshing for soya beans, red beans, millet, wheat, paddy rice, etc.

大便为小豆汤样,可能为出血性小肠炎,这种情况多发生于早产儿。Stool samples for the small bean soup may be small hemorrhagic colitis, which occur in preterm infants.

小豆豆儿,们快一点儿长大吧,让知道你们长大以后到底会变成什么样子。Adzuki bean SOYBEAN, who grew up a little faster, and let know that you grew up in the end, what will become.

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例如飞行中,小豆蔻、柠檬草和咖喱的味道比盐或糖更浓烈。For example, seasonings like cardamom, lemon grass and curry taste more intense in the sky than salt or sugar.

加米、桂皮,小豆蔻和香菜籽,充分搅拌至每粒米都裹上油。Add the rice, cinnamon stick, cardamom and coriander, stirring well to ensure all the grains are coated in the oil.

切洋葱,绿辣椒,胡椒,肉桂,小豆蔻,丁香,肉豆蔻和红花是用来增加风味。Sliced onions, green chilies , black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg and saffron are used to add flavors.