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这一定是我们掉去的那些人的遗志。That must be the legacy of those we have lost.

虽然他不再与我们同在,他的遗志将永存后世。Although he is no longer with us, his legacy will live on forever.

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他继承了乃父的遗志,惟其步态似乎有些摇晃不定。He followed in his father's footsteps, but his gait was somewhat erratic.

不过,贝克的集会并声称继承马丁。路德。金遗志的唯一集会。But Beck's rally was not the only one laying claim to the Martin Luther King Jr. legacy.

到了现代社会,还是有为数不少的中国男人继承着老祖宗的“遗志”。In modern society, still there are great number of Chinese men follow their forefathers.

第二篇分析了大首领是如何在1974年事件之后戏剧性的转变与首领的遗志。The second part analyzes how Big Boss drastically changed since the events of 1974 and the will of The Boss.

当谈到自己的父亲时,金日成说道,“半岛的无核化是金日成主席的遗志。”"The denuclearisation of the peninsula was the behest of President Kim Il-sung, " it quoted Kim as saying about his father.

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哈利、罗恩和赫敏三人将继承邓布利多的未完遗志,收集齐剩下的魂器,打败黑暗魔头。Harry, Ron Weasley and Hermione decide to finish Dumbledore's work and find the rest of the Horcruxes to defeat the Dark Lord.

我谨代表国际奥林匹克委员会承诺,我们会继续保持和发扬萨马兰奇先生的遗志。And I pledge on behalf of the International Olympic Committee that we shall preserve and perpetuate his legacy and his heritage.

如果明天卫生大会确认我的提名,我将继承李博士及其前任者的遗志。If my nomination is confirmed by the Health Assembly tomorrow, I intend to take the legacy of Dr Lee and his predecessors forward.

虽然比格斯加入义军没多久就牺牲了,但他的堂弟加文·夜明者后来追随他的脚步,继承了他的遗志。Though Biggs wasn't a Rebel very long, his legacy continues thanks to his cousin, Gavin Darklighter, who would later follow in his footsteps.

一名叫萨拿姆。佐勒菲卡尔汗的选民说,对她来说,布托女士遇刺是一个个人悲剧,而这位前总理所领导的政党继承了她的遗志。Sanam Zulfiqar Khan says Ms. Bhutto's assassination was a personal tragedy for her, but the former prime minister's ideals live on through her party.

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菅内阁无人参拜正是因顾及到中国等亚洲邻国的感情,但却“违背了英烈们的遗志”。Kan cabinet is due to take into account that no one visit to the feelings of China and other Asian neighbors, but "contrary to the martyrs who's behest."

在他只有十几岁的时候他就从事电影这一行了,在他父亲去世之后,他成为家里的经济支柱,并继承父亲的遗志,成为了一名作曲家。He's worked on films since he was a teenager, taking over the role of family breadwinner after his father died and followed in his footsteps as a composer.

今天,我们深切缅怀董必武的丰功伟绩,继承他的遗志,进一步推动我国的社会主义民主与法制事业向前发展。Now, we memorize Dong Biwu's great contribution to our country and inherit his will to further the development of our socialism democratic and legal system.

在他被杀害的那一天,我明白了我的人生属于巴基斯坦,于是我接过了我父亲的衣钵,继承他的遗志,领导他的政党。On the day he was murdered I understood that my life was to be Pakistan, and I accepted the mantle of leadership of my father’s legacy and my father’s party.

这真是一个充满讽刺意味的扭曲,看起来索利德斯内克继承了这个他从不认识的女人的遗志,而这个女人恰恰对他的敌人们产生了极为深远的影响。In an ironic twist, Solid Snake seems to have taken on the will of a woman that he never even know about who happened to have had a profound influence on his enemies.

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这也是为什么上周,在白宫,我们发布了一份新的妇女社会地位的全面报告,以此来追随半个世纪前的那份报告的精神遗志。That’s why, last week, here at the White House, we released a new comprehensive report on the status of women in the spirit on the one that was released half a century ago.

很多退伍军人回忆起当可爱的战友牺牲时自己内心的坚决,他们坚决要继承遗志,继续战斗,完成使命。And many of them recall the determination they felt when a beloved comrade fell, the determination to pick up the mantle, to carry on the fight, and to complete the mission.

那么,马丁·路德·金和科雷塔·金的遗志又会怎样呢?它仍代表着倡导和平与非暴力,消除贫穷,伸张民权和人权吗?。So what will happen to the legacy of Martin Luther King and Coretta King? Will it continue to stand for peace and nonviolence and anti-poverty and civil rights and human rights?