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他是一个能鼓舞人心的同道中人。He's an inspiring fellow human.

杰克逊的!不同道勿进!The king of pop Michael Jackson!

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“战士魏特曼-我的一个战友,优良的同道”。He was a fighter in every way, he lived and breathed action.

真是的,同道们,你们也太没有丰富的想象力了!Well, you haven't a very wildly lively imagination, comrades.

今天,我发了封邮件给我最好的朋友,告诉他我是同道。Today, I sent an email to my best friend, telling him that I'm gay.

你们组织的活动将与其他同道们策划的活动互为补充。The events that you host will complement events being planned by others.

我公司经常与至同道合的朋友一起开展陶瓷、绘画艺术活动。Our company's direction is frequently holding painting and arts activities.

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这些资源是你的呼叫卡,同时也是你吸收同道中人的吸铁石。These resources are your calling card, these resources are your recruiting tool.

毕加索所谓的“窃取”并非指将你同道设计师的成果活剥下来。Stealing in the sense Picasso meant isn’t about ripping off your fellow designers.

值得注意的是,这篇帖子让我受到了一些敌意,特别是来自几个同道的博客。Of note, the post garnered some animus toward me especially from a few fellow bloggers.

并就今后开发利用研究的方法、内容、前景提出浅见供同道参考。The authors' view is presented on the way, content and prospects of this task in the future.

她从外表来看创意多多,崇尚自由,一直期待与一个同道中人在一起。Outwardly creative and liberal, she always anticipated that she'd end up with someone similar.

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这些公司都热衷于社区服务,喜欢聘用在这方面志同道和的人。These companies are enthusiastic about community outreach, and they prefer to tire who are too.

然而,我不认为何和应与他的同道完全抗拒其他的理念及可能性。However, I do not think that Ho and his colleagues were closed to other ideas and possibilities.

在和平到来的前夕,判断一个人是否是“老朋友”,更多的是看他们是否是属于党的同道中人。With the dawn of peace times, judging an “old friend” relied more on whether in the same vein or not.

博客吸引的都是“同道中人”,他们一眼就能看穿你是否仅仅是为了赚钱。Blogs attract like-minded people any they will see right through you if you're just in it for the money.

为推广仲景方的应用,提供个人经验,以飨同道。For promoting the application of Zhongjing formula, the author tried to share his experience with others.

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我们正在用有思想,有准备,有目标的实际行动,聚集越来越多的同道中人。We are gathering more and more people have the same belief with our concepts, our goals and our preparation.

通常来说,与了解如何写代码相比,找对方向和同道中人更加重要。Often, this is more about looking in the right places, and talking to the right people, than knowing how to code.

感谢在座的各位对我们的同道——索马里前卫生部长阿里博士所表达的缅怀之情。Thank you, all around this table, for honouring the memory of our colleague, Dr Ali, Somalia’s minister of health.