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美国国家安全局也在这群求贤若渴的机构之列。The National Security Agency is among the keen suitors.

华尔街求贤若渴,在顶尖大学里疯狂搜罗博弈论和期权模型方面的能人志士。Wall Street ransacked the best universities for game theorists and options modellers.

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现在你已经研究了你地图,无论是在您的加息的过渡地区求贤若渴。Now that you've studied your map, be on the lookout for those transition areas on your hike.

这对于求贤若渴的大公司也许是好消息。Perhaps this regarding the big company which eagerlies seek people of talent is the good news.

多少学生会回想起课堂上的欢声笑语和求贤若渴的思绪?How many students will recall the laughter of the classroom and always on the lookout thoughts?

小城市可不一样,它们在政策的支持下快速发展,而且求贤若渴。Small cities, however, are developing fast with policy support, and are eagerly seeking talent.

金融危机使不少企业减少了人员招聘计划,但对顶尖的研发人员,企业还是求贤若渴的。Although many enterprises reduce the staff recruitment plans, they are still thirsty for the top R & D personnel's joining.

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政府投入的减少,使得筹措资金成为学校管理部门的当务之急,于是对美国的人才求贤若渴。The decline in government support has made funding-raising an increasing necessary ability among administrators and has hiring committees hungry for Americans.

我们要以海纳百川、求贤若渴的气度,为各类创新人才施展才华提供更大空间、更广阔的舞台。The Chinese government welcomes talents with an open mind and open arms. We will provide greater space and broader platforms for all innovators to fulfill their potential.

当美国国内高教机构纷纷停止招募并缩减开支之时,亚洲与中东的大学仍然因本土申请人匮缺而对美国博士们求贤若渴。While hiring freezes and budgets cuts pervade U.S. higher education, universities in Asia and the Middle East are hungry for candidates, often amid a dearth of native applicants.

但是,与媒体在新创时期对人才资源的求贤若渴相比,大多数老媒体或步入稳定期的“新”媒体在对待现有人员的培养和使用上却疏于管理。But comparatively with the media at new created period, old media of majority or "new" media on steady period treat the news talented persons less emphasizely at the usage and the management.