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蜂拥队列纷纷压阵,重旅应先行。The swarming ranks press on and on, the dense brigades press on.

在阅兵部队后面压阵的,是鼓乐齐鸣的军乐团。Troops in the parade behind the hold the line, is the Band drum sing.

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意大利女子花剑队有三名世界顶级选手压阵。Italy's women's foil team is stacked with the top three fencers in the world.

尽管当时有科比压阵,湖人队还是在2005年没能进入季后赛,接着在2006年和2007年连续两年季后赛首轮被淘汰出局。Despite Kobe Bryant, the Lakers missed the playoffs in 2005 and were eliminated in the first round the next two years.

投资者正对新兴市场感到恐慌,而“薄荷四国”中压阵的土耳其处在危机的最前沿。Investors are panicking about emerging markets and Turkey – the pay-off in the Mint – is at the forefront of the crisis.

他觉得年轻球员应该有几个老将压阵,这样才能无往不利。And he feels the youngsters, with the support of one or two old heads, are capable of going all the way in the competition.

她们充当着各种我想要或者我可以成为的强有力的榜样,如压阵者、生活教练、激励者以及坚定的提醒者。They have served as powerful role models, anchors, life coaches, motivators and firm reminders of who I am and what I can become.

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结果表明,相对于声压阵,在不增加阵孔径的前提下,利用矢量水听器阵获得的波束主瓣更窄,旁瓣更低。The results indicated that the width of main beam of vector-hydrophone was narrower than that of pressure hydrophone array at the same aperture.

本文以地面模拟实验为基础,研究RTV胶在空间高压阵抗二次放电方面的防护作用。The paper is based on simulation experiments and studies the RTV protection characteristics from secondary discharge on space high-voltage array.

分析指出矢量阵能有效地消除声压阵存在的“左右舷模糊”现象。The analysis of the comparison points out that vector arrays can effectively eliminate the ambiguity between the port hand and the starboard with pressure arrays.

在大宇,敢明目张胆夜间行路的人不多,便是大型行方,也需有高手压阵。In the Daewoo, defiance the aboveboard defiant act nighttime walk not many, the humans would are a large line of square and also need a superior to stabilize formation.

本文研究了矢量水听器均匀线阵的采用不同方式进行波束形成的波束图,并和声压阵相应的量进行了比较。In this paper, beam patterns of vector-hydrophone linear array using different components of vector hydrophone were presented and compared with pressure hydrophone array.