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你应该吃点阿司匹林。You should take an aspirin.

服用阿司匹林会引起胃溃疡,这我们都知道。Aspirin causes stomach ulcers.

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阿司匹林药片见效快。The aspirins soon take effect.

你为什么不吃一片阿司匹林呢?Why don’t you take an aspirin?

有的,我对阿司匹林过敏.Yes, I am allergic to aspirin.

阿司匹林能造成胃壁溃。Aspirin can ulcer the stomach lining.

阿司匹林是治感冒的妙药。Aspirin is a wonderful cure for colds.

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这就是泰诺/Tylenol对拜耳的阿司匹林所做的。It's what Tylenol did to Bayer aspirin.

阿司匹林能造成胃壁溃。Aspirin can ulcerate the stomach lining.

发烧时服一片阿司匹林。Take an aspirin when you've got a fever.

阿司匹林是必备的头痛良药。Aspirin is a good stand-by for headaches.

护士给病人服阿司匹林。The nurse dosed out aspirin to a patient.

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护士给病人服阿司匹林。The nurse dosed the patient with aspirin.

阿司匹林应该被添加到饮用水中?Should aspirin be added to the water supply?

给你开一些抗生素和阿司匹林。I'm giving you some antibiotics and aspirins.

我要是头疼的话就会服用一片阿司匹林。If I have a headache, I will take an aspirin.

他向调酒师要一些阿司匹林药片。He asks the bartender for some aspirin tablets.

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肯定是过敏了,你有阿司匹林吗?It must be an allergy. Do you have any aspirin?

听到这个消息我很难过,你需要一些阿司匹林吗?I'm sorry to hear that.Do you want some aspirin?

你是销售维他命,阿司匹林,还是消炎药?Are you selling vitamins, aspirin or antibiotics?