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小鸡集聚在母鸡翅膀下面。The chickens gathered under the hen.

人们集聚在事故现场。People gathered at the scene of the accident.

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蜂蜜蚂蚁集聚蚜虫分泌的蜜露。Honey ants gather honey dew secreted by aphids.

全宇宙的人都在这里集聚。The light of the whole universe converges here.

很快,在其它移民的指导下,他来到了森林集聚地。Soon, he was steered to the forest by other immigrants.

宁国市区和港口片区是未来城市集聚发展区。Ningguo City District & Port Town will be the Urban Area.

最终,这些书集聚成为一间很好的藏书室。Eventually, these books will build up into a fine library.

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第二件我所关心的事就是集聚破产后的余财。My next care was to get together the wrecks of my fortune.

所有这些荣誉都集聚在顶端,就好像在为进入上流社会做训练。It all converges at the top. It's like training for high society.

当前,济宁市产业集聚已经有了一定的规模和基础。Nowadays, the industry cluster in Jining has reached certain extent.

沿海地区具有工业集聚的地理优势。Coastal areas have geographical advantages of industrial development.

项目拟建设于叶县产业集聚区。The project is planned to be set in Yexian Industrial Gathering Area.

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在突尼斯,因·阿比丁·本·阿里向和平的集聚人群采取妥协措施。In Tunisia Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali met peaceful crowds with concessions.

同时,城市内部通勤成本确实会降低经济活动的集聚程度。Also, intra-urban commuting costs would lower the level of agglomeration.

地铁购物中心的集聚效应,引导着消费空间的生活化。The aggregating effect of metro malls is piloting life-wise consumers space.

集聚在图片中心的一团建筑物就是马耶拉托城。The town of Maierato is the cluster of buildings in the center of each image.

阿杰迪达区也是阿勒颇,或者说整个叙利亚最好餐馆的集聚地。Al-Jdeida is also home to Aleppo's — and perhaps Syria's — finest restaurants.

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在第四章,我们研究了蛋白质集聚时的类疯牛病蛋白折叠行为。In Chapter 4, we study the prion-like folding behavior in aggregated proteins.

或者他只是普京的一个阀门,用于排解在管制民主下集聚的挫折感?Or is he merely Putin's valve to vent frustrations within a managed democracy?

第四章对产业集聚区及产业集聚理论的发展提出了个人见解。The fourth chapter put forward the prospects of the industry cluster district.