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通货紧缩的威胁?The threat of deflation?

一个强硬的紧缩型货币市场A money market tough to tighten

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有必要进行紧缩。Retrenchment will be necessary.

在通货紧缩时亦是如此。See also Inflation and Deflation.

我们已经进入厉行紧缩的时代。We have entered the Age of Austerity.

第一,持续性的信贷紧缩。One is the continued tightness of credit.

首先,我们将终生承受通货紧缩的打击。First we have the deflation shock of lives.

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繁荣并非一定以通货紧缩为终点。The boom does not have to end in deflation.

手指拔出标签,方便,低了紧缩政策。Finger pull-tab for easy, low-down tightening.

“通货紧缩会继续加深”,彭先生表示。"Deflation is still deepening, " said Mr Peng.

这些公司在信贷紧缩时期很吃香。These companies are popular in a credit crunch.

垂直腿紧缩工程腹直肌。Vertical leg crunch works the rectus abdominis.

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你能恰好减肥到拥有紧缩的腹肌和优美的手臂。You can spot reduce for tight abs or toned arms.

在开支出现紧缩之时,我们如何确定优先次序?In a time of austerity, how do we set priorities?

这些现象意味着需要紧缩型的货币政府。This suggests a need for tighter monetary policy.

你更担心通货膨胀还是通货紧缩?SHOULD you fret more about inflation or deflation?

但是在1982年,财政政策转向了紧缩。In 1982, however, fiscal policy flipped to takeaway.

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没人认为通货紧缩本身是可取的。No one thinks that deflation in itself is desirable.

中国经历了1996至2004年不寻常的一个通货紧缩时期。China had an unusual deflation period from 1996-2004.

这说明通货紧缩在快速进行着。This suggests that disinflation is proceeding rapidly.