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孝悌“和”爱众“是它的第一要义。"Filial and piety" and "love others" are its first essence.

我出版了13部著作,全部的要义就可浓缩成这句,我病了。I published thirteen books the whole purport of which was I am sick.

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商业的第一要义是在商言商。The most important business of every business is to stay in business.

英语里根本没有好办法复制它的精华要义。There’s simply no good way to replicate its concise punch in English.

这与莫顿层层推进的爵士乐的基本要义毫无艺术上的匹配之处。It is no match artistically for Morton's propulsive meat-and-potatoes jazz.

这是在日新月异的社交网络环境中生存的要义。These are the keys to keeping up in the fast-paced arena of social networks.

鲁迅的智慧更多的体现在以“生存”为第一要义上。Lu Xun's wisdom is more reflected from his belief that "Living is the first".

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现今你们亵渎安息日,还要义怒再多加在以色列人身上吗?Would you add to the wrath against Israel by once more profaning the sabbath ?

第二,和平发展的基本要义是开放、合作和互利共赢。Second, China's peaceful development is open, cooperative and win-win to others.

我说的可能并非原话,但我会尽可能准确地描述这段话的要义。I am not giving the exact words, but as accurately as I can the substance of our talk.

尽管陈汉典的成名之路不同寻常,勤奋努力仍然是要义。Although Chen's path to stardom is rather unusual, hard work has still been a watchword.

情节作为小说的核心,解构情节的确定性自然就成为后现代主义作家的创作要义之一。As a key element of fiction, plot has turned out to be deconstructed at the very outset.

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而文化交流与融通的要义与要则之一,则是应当对此保持清醒。One of the key points of cultural exchanges is that people should keep cool consideration.

袁世硕先生尽管针伽达默尔进行质疑,但并没把握住伽达默尔著作的思想要义。Yuan Shishuo does not have a thorough grasp of Gadamer's thought though he oppugns Gadamer.

但是,业务拥有其自身的语言,并且几个小时的浏览就可以帮助您获得基本的要义。But business has its own language, and few hours with a browser can help you grasp the basics.

其要义在于,把这个服务定义成用户对其任务思考方式的一部分。What is important is to define a service that is part of how your user thinks about his tasks.

把传播学中的把关理论运用到精确新闻报道中是本文的要义所在。In this paper, the author tends to apply the checking-on theory in the accurate news reporting.

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而区域自我吸收-这就是农村劳动力转移的“成都模式”的要义。The essence of "Chengdu model" of rural labor transferring is the "self-absorption" in the region.

第一章介绍生存美学理论的基本要义和同性恋现象的正常性。Chapter one introduces the main ideas of the Aesthetics of Existence and normality of homosexuality.

析理和解读这两类人物群体,是探求东北现代家族小说要义的关键所在。Analysing the two kinds of people are crucial to study the significance of northeastern family novels.