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我个子高,她则身材娇小。I was tall ands she was petite.

植物通常娇小,匍匐茎纤细。Plants usually small with thin stolons.

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又见那身影,娇小而蹁跹。Again, I saw that figure small and young.

那就是熏衣草,一种娇小又美丽的…It is lavender, a small and beautiful flower.

她是一个娇小的女人,弱不禁风,甚至显出多愁多病的样子。She was a little woman, frail, and even sickly looking.

炫耀娇小的胸部也许正是对这种潮流的回应。Brandishing a tiny bosom may be a reaction to that trend.

在那些娇小可爱的爱神中,已有一个被注射器扎通了。One of the charming little Loves is already fairly spitted.

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这是我所看到的最娇小俊俏、最妩媚动人的笔迹了。It is the prettiest, most coquettish little hand I ever saw.

碧亚翠丝是我的母亲,一个身材娇小的妇人,长着一对。Beatrice was my mother, a small woman with intense blue eyes.

一夜过后,它只剩下可怜的花苞,像一位娇小的女子,却又含苞待放。Night after it left the poor bud, as a petite woman, but Moon.

雅梅·法雷尔,一位身材娇小的拉美裔年轻女子,拿出一份打印资料。Jamey Farrell, a petite young Hispanic woman, displayed a printout.

南方的妇女娇小可爱,毕恭毕敬,很有礼貌。The women of the south are diminutive, subservient and very polite.

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她今年三十三岁,身材娇小,下巴宽大。Thirty-three years old, Rizzoli was a small and square-jawed woman.

说完我就和她握手告别,可以感受到她的手非常娇小柔嫩。I held out my hand and grasped a small, delicate and very female hand.

你会看到小姑娘和老奶奶,从娇小型到庞大型。You'll see teenagers and grandmothers, women from sizes petite to plus.

热衷者说它们永恒的吸引力很大程度上是依赖于他们的娇小可爱。Enthusiasts say their timeless appeal is largely down to their cuteness.

这时露茜端着咖啡突然出现了,她看上去还是那么娇小可人。The enemy. Lucy, bearing coffee, appeared suddenly, tinily, before them.

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在霸王龙出现之前,暴龙类的成员是比较娇小的一群。Indeed, before T. rex hit the scene, tyrannosaurs were relatively petite.

许多新娘都是非常年轻的小姑娘,所以,身材也娇小。Many times brides were very young girls and, therefore, small in stature.

邓恩,一位娇小体弱的女人,为我们开门时,怀里抱着一只小狗。Dunn, a petite, frail woman, answers the door with a tiny dog in her arms.