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所罗门的箴言。The proverbs of Solomon.

哈佛的箴言是“真理”。Harvard's motto is "Veritas."

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这是真正的商业箴言。That's the true business percept.

箴言也说到慷慨大方的原则Proverbs also speaks of principles of generosity

智慧的仓库里储满箴言。The storehouse of wisdom is stocked with proverbs.

智慧的仓库里储满箴言。The storehouse of wisdom is stocked with proverbull crap.

对每一位哈利波特的影迷来说,这或许是句箴言。Words that probably ring true for every Harry Potter fan.

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柏拉图将太阳神庙的箴言「了解自己」列为优先顺序。Plato gave priority to the Delphic maxim, "Know yourself".

以色列王达味之子撒罗满的箴言。The parables of Solomon, the son of David, king of Israel.

同时,他的评价中也包括了一些充满智慧的箴言。He also includes some wise advice about life in his evaluation.

我们从今天开始箴言的系列证道。We start a new sermon series on the Book of Proverbs from today.

信仰胜利“对正统信徒讲来是一句危险的箴言。The "triumph of faith" was, for the orthodox, a dangerous device.

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今天箴言中的动词也包含著同样的迫切感。That's the intensity behind the action words in our proverb today.

我句句箴言。人人都可以做菜。不过只有勇敢的人,才能成功。What I say is true. Anyone can cook. But only the fearless can be.

“享受现在”这句箴言颇有道理。It constantly outdistances us. "Relish the moment" is a good motto.

格言中自相矛盾的地方跟箴言一样多。And there is the same amount of contradiction in maxims as in proverbs.

再三重复的个人理财箴言之一就是“首先为自己支付”。One of personal finance's oft-repeated mantras is " pay yourself first".

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这话虽然有一定的道理,但是这节箴言所应许的远不止于此。While there is some truth in that statement, this proverb promises more.

在箴言的第八章和第九章,智慧再次清楚地以拟人的笔法出现。In Proverbs 8 and 9, wisdom again appears in the form of personification.

假使我拥有一头龙,我要让世人知道龙家的箴言究竟意味着什么。If I'd had a dragon, I would have taught the world the meaning of our words.