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我们的鱼网是新的。Our fishnet is still new.

渔民们拉鱼网。The fishermen haul the net.

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把鱼网撒入小河池。Cast the net into the stream.

渔民修补微微发光的鱼网。A Fisherman mends a glimmering net.

有一次老头儿向大海撒下鱼网。Once the old man to the sea and fishnet.

大牛,这鱼网里鱼可够多的呀!Daniel, there are so many fish in the net!

箭鱼被捕鱼网给捲入了。The swordfish got entangled in the fishing net.

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饲养用具和鱼网也要分开。Have separate feeding utensils and fishing nets.

只见老人身子往后用力倾斜,拼命向上提鱼竿,要将鱼往鱼网里拖。He leaned back, trying to bring the fish to the net.

小朋友都带著鱼网来抓鱼。The children all brought fishnets to catch the fish.

他们捕获的鱼的鱼叉,鱼钩,鱼网,和陷阱。They caught fish with harpoons, hooks, nets, and traps.

因为被鱼网缠住而丧命的海狮数量明显增加。The number of net entanglements has dramatically increased.

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与此同时,警方用鱼网围住了那只船。At the same time. the police enclosed the ship with fishnet.

科学家保持电波发射联络。与此同时,警方用鱼网围住了那只船。At the same time. the police enclosed the ship with fishnet.

这时,一个手拿鱼网的人站在湖边,没错,那就是我!Then, a hand fishnet people stood by the lake, yes, that's me!

渔民们发现了他的小船漂浮在海面,那鱼网半栓挂在船上。They found his boat adrift with its nets half in and half out.

在这个游戏中有两个角色,一个是鱼,另一个是鱼网。There are two roles in this game, one is fish the other is fishnet.

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而且还有为投放鱼专门制造的迷你鱼网。And the fish had to be added with a specially made miniature fish net.

然而,网很快便装满了鱼,西门险些被鱼网拖了落水呢!But the nets immediately filled up and nearly yanked Simon out of the boat!

我拿鱼网捞沙丁鱼去。你坐在门口晒晒太阳可好?I'll get the cast and go for sardines. Will you sit in the sun in the doorway?