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禾苗枯焦。The seedlings were scorched.

禾苗长三尺,雨露昨夜功。Three feet seedlings, rain last night.

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雨露滋润禾苗壮。Rain and dew drops nourish young seedlings.

久旱的禾苗逢甘雨。A sweet rain falls on the parched seedlings.

这场及时雨使受旱的禾苗都缓过来了。The timely rain revived the droughtstricken crops.

大雁翱翔成标题,禾苗舒展成字句。Dayan flying into heading Hemiao stretch into words.

他儿子赶忙到地里去看,禾苗全都枯死了!His son hurried into the ground to see, HeMiao all die!

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雨后禾苗开始生长。The seedlings of cereal crops began to upspring after the rain.

庄稼长出禾苗以后,他每天都去观看。Everyday the anxious farmer would measure the growth of the crops.

就象禾苗之于雨露,所有的关爱与扶持,点点滴滴,铭刻在心。He Miao as in the rain, all the love and support, bit by bit, engraved in mind.

他的儿子赶忙跑到田里去看,禾苗全都枯萎了。His son went to the field only to discover that all of his crops were all dead.

它已在禾苗的襁褓中期待了许久,终于露出了头。It has been in the seedlings of swaddling clothes look forward to for a long time, finally his head.

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奥运会如果像一场春雨的话,不可能滋润一棵禾苗,肯定滋润一大片。If the Olympic Games as a spring rains, can not see a cereal crop seedling certainly see a lot of things.

本发明提供一种即使禾苗的种类、形状及大小不同也能正确栽植的插秧机。The present invention is transplanting machine suitable for different sorts, shapes and sizes of rice seedlings.

有个宋国人,嫌自己地里的禾苗长得不快,就一棵一棵地把它们拔高。A man in the State of Song felt that the seedlings in his field were growing too slowly, so he pulled them up one by one.

于是,我能体会到禾苗的感受,夜晚的闷热与日照的骄阳,使她更渴念雨的洗礼。So I can understand the feelings of seedlings, the night and the sun's scorching hot, making her even more longing rain baptism.

这个太阳每天从东方升起,挂在天上,温暖着人间,禾苗得以生长,万物得以生存。Every day, the sun rises in the east, hangs in the sky, and warms the human world, so the grain can grow, and all creatures can exist.

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禾苗在农民的汗水里抽穗,放眼望去,稻田绿一块、黄一块,微风一吹,它们好像跳起了欢快的草裙舞。The movie in the sweat of peasants earing, look, paddy green one, yellow one, and the breeze blows, they seemed to jump the cheerful hula.

夏天百草丰茂,独自穿梭在田间地头,让自己的思想随同满地禾苗一起疯长,一起开花,一起孕育秋的果实。Summer Baicao Fengmao, shuttle in field edge of a field, let your mind with all the seedlings with soaring, together with blossom, autumn fruit breeding.

我喜欢看一块块平平整整、油油亮亮的秧田。那细小的禾苗密密地排在一起,好像一张多绒的毯子,总是激发我想在上面躺一躺的欲望。I love level and glossy rice fields with seedlings growing so tightly together that they resemble as many hairy blankets, tempting me to lie down on them.