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汤姆马上前去帮助兰兰。Tom helps her at once.

敬辞怎样前去机场?。How do Iget to the airport?

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梅森和杰克结伴一起前去索格斯。Mason accompanies Jack to Saugus.

敬辞怎样前去地下铁路站?。How do I get to the metro station?

敬辞怎样前去地下铁路站?。How do Iget to the underground station?

玉帝闻言,即差神使前去传旨。The Jade Emperor sent for God Erh-lang.

他快步走向前去吻了她。He stepped quickly forward and kissed her.

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前去观看影片的法蒂玛与他有同感。Movie-goer Fatima seems to share his view.

勇敢走向前去面对它们,和他们战斗!重归原始和野蛮!Go face them and fight them, be savage again.

鲁国君臣整日前去观看,对国事就懈怠了。Lu, all went to watch for this state is slack.

我看到的大多数人都是孤身前去投票。Most people I see voting go to the polls alone.

吉姆前去探路,汤姆打开了食物。Jim went to explore while Tom unpacked the food.

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露茜正在门口,她走向前去迎接他。She was at the doorway, and came down to meet him.

联合国派了一队观察员前去和平谈判。The UN sent a team of observers to the peace talks.

瑞典欢迎中国企业前去投资。Sweden welcomes Chinese enterprises to invest there.

这次我们派记者吉妮‧莫斯前去作了一则小小的报导。This time we sent Jeanne Moos out on a little story.

提利昂让他的重骑兵前去支持轻骑兵。Tyrion moved up his heavy horse to support the light.

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约翰·督伊特怎么引诱阿什莉前去见他?How does John Druitt lure Ashley into meeting with him?

现在,我并非正告诉你就这么前去模仿奥普拉。Now, I’m not telling you to go forth and imitate Oprah.

整流罩很难在发射前去掉。The strakes would be difficult to remove before launch.