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他想做的就是想把他们牢牢地钳制住But he can control them there.

学术结舌失语,饱受当局钳制。And art made tongue-tied by authority.

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政府钳制报纸的言论自由。The government muzzled the newspapers.

政府试图钳制言论自由。The government tried to muzzle freedom of speech.

方法采用全细胞膜片钳制技术。Methods Whole-cell patch clamp technique was used.

但批评家认为这反而为钳制媒体创造了便利。But critics contend it just as easily muzzles the press.

方法膜片钳制技术全细胞记录模式。METHODS Patch clamp technique with whole cell configuration.

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方法采用全细胞膜片钳技术,进行电流钳制。Methods The whole-cell patch clamp with current clamp was used.

这里是一个图片,我的妻子和覆盖了一个我的杰克被钳制。Here is a picture that my wife took and overwrote the one of my Jack being clamped.

但是,崇尚丰田模式的生产商可能被这种乐观结论所钳制.But that sanguine conclusion may come back to haunt Toyota's admirers in manufacturing.

长达30年之久的紧急状态应当结束了,不能以此为由继续钳制和审查批评意见了。The 30-year-old state of emergency that has allowed it to detain and censor all critics must end.

我们支持多种工具,以便在压制性政府找到办法钳制其中一种工具的时候能让其他工具发挥作用。We support multiple tools, so if repressive governments figure out how to target one, others are available.

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对于维护民权而非钳制自由的强力政府,他们的想法更是乏善可陈。They had even fewer models of a strong government that became a "guardian" rather than an oppressor of liberty.

此套系统可以与膜片电位钳制法、离子电泳法、以及视觉显影的型式做结合。The system can be used in conjunction with patch clamp and iontophoresis, as well as our visualization protocols.

如此小的一次收购引起的骚动是一个提示,美国安全部门钳制着这家公司。The dustup over such a small purchase is a reminder that U.S. security officials are keeping Huawei on a short leash.

往常被钳制的中国媒体得到允许,能够通过电视广播自由报导地震新闻。The normally muzzled Chinese press has been freed by the information ministry to saturate the airwaves with quake coverage.

中国古代法律多以“妖言”罪名钳制思想,严厉打击妄言天命行为。The law of ancient China punished heresy idea with the crime of"Yao Yan"and severely struck at any nonsense about God's will.

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针对油压钳制水刺头结构复杂、油缸易漏油等缺点,设计开发了水压钳制水刺头,并对密封条的快换机构等进行了分析。The water pressure suppresses and the water stabs head is developed, and quick-change organization of the seal is analysised.

分析有源区内载流子和VCL光子密度的变化,揭示了增益钳制的物理机理。Analyzing the carrier density and photon density of VCL in active region, the physical mechanism of gain clamping was revealed.

既为权贵集团提倡、又同时受其钳制的自由市场的发展对海湾国家的政治改革产生的效果微乎其微。Growth of free markets, both promoted and hampered by autocracy, has done little to effect political reform in the Gulf states.