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他是炮兵连一个很不错的指挥官。He was an okay battery commander.

一个炮兵连通常由一位上尉来指挥。They faced a battery of questions.

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博须埃向炮兵们大声叫道。shouted Bossuet to the artillerists.

炮兵轰隆隆地发出十九响礼炮。The artillery boomed a 19-gun salute.

一个上尉指挥一个连队或炮兵连。A captain commands a company or battery.

很快,炮兵连发现一名俘虏逃跑了。So the battery found a captive was gone.

“干得好啊,炮兵们!”博须埃喊道。"Bravo for the cannoneers! " cried Bossuet.

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一个炮兵连通常由一位上尉来指挥。A battery is usually commanded by a captain.

敌人炮兵集中炮火于那个十字路口。An enemy battery zeroed in on the crossroad.

“干掉一个碉堡,”炮兵中尉说。Scratch one pillbox, " the lieutenant said."

我们炮兵连击落了三架敌机。Our battery accounted for three enemy planes.

朝军的炮兵火力足以掀翻汉城North Korea could flatten Seoul with Artillery

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返工炮兵范围和时间重新加载。Reworked the artillery ranges and time reloads.

你如何为炮兵提供掩护?How were you supposed to cover the artillerists?

这个部队包括两营步兵及一连炮兵。The force comprised two battalions and a battery.

为一架或更多架大炮而设的炮兵阵地。An emplacement for one or more pieces of artillery.

炮兵火力比步兵大。The artillery has more firepower than the infantry.

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哈里参军了,成为炮兵连的一员。Harry joined the army and became a member of battery.

我方炮兵部队的炮火向他们的炮艇扫射。The fire of our artillery troops raked their gunboat.

这里本来就是二战期间的炮兵训练场地。It was an artillery training area during World War II.