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“认罪”,他回答道。“Guilty, ” he responded.

他坦白认罪使我吃惊。They wangled him into confessing.

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向神认罪是对属灵健康有益的。Confessing my sin is good for my health.

任何人都不能被逼认罪。You cannot be forced to accuse yourself.

一个被指控斗狗并认罪。One pleaded guilty to dogfighting charges.

认罪是悔罪的开端。Confession is the first step to repentance.

我们的认罪带来悔改。And it is our confession then leads to repentance.

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如果他们同时认罪,他们就要被监禁15年。If both confess, they will each be jailed 15 years.

警察对犯人严厉盘问,直到他认罪为止。The police grilled the prisoner until he confessed.

认罪和悔改实在是让人喜乐的词。Confession and repentance are actually joyful words.

如果保拉认罪,她将会面临最长入狱一年的判决。If convicted, she could face up to a year in prison.

越来越多的罪犯会同意接受认罪辩诉协议。More and more criminals will agree to plea -bargain.

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我们总是以坦白认罪,来求得法官宽恕。One always appeases one's judge by confessing faults.

如果罪犯认罪,法官答应从宽发落。The judge promised leniency if the offender confessed.

你要么现在就伏法认罪,要么就后果自负!You either plead guilty now, or suffer the consequences.

我认罪,放弃宪法权利。I waive my constitutional rights against self-incrimination.

聆讯录音显示她亲口认罪。Tapes of the hearing showed she had verbally pleaded guilty.

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图皮科瓦已认罪,目前正等待判决结果。Tupikova confessed her guilt and is now awaiting sentencing.

1889年被Pinkerton侦探事务所抓获,并在认罪后被处以绞刑。Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889.

她地良心不断地啃蚀她,直到她认罪。Her guilty conscience ate at her until she finally confessed.