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来日方长,太阳只是颗启明星。There's still time, the sun just single phosphor.

而当我们觉得时间连绵不绝,来日方长时which are often lost when time stretches before us

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利瓦伊的政治生涯来日方长。Levi could have a long political career ahead of her.

若非青春苦短,谁会想来日方长。Youth is short if not, who wanted to come to Japan long.

尽管来日方长,但是及早打算总没错。That's a long way off but it's not too early to make plans.

我们来日方长,如果你现在不完成这笔交易,要价只会越来越高。We have a long runway. If you don't do this deal now, the price will only be higher later.

我想,他们的不败记录应该会在延续一段时间,但是来日方长,毕竟他们离赛季不败还有一定距离。I thought it might stand for longer, but there is still a way for United to go. They haven't done it yet.

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黎渊眨眨眼,想想自己是没少吃了,来日方长,明天再吃呗。The Li Yuan blinks, want oneself is to have no little eat, hereafter square long, tomorrow again eat Bai.

当然,我期待着有更多代表一线队出场和表现的经历。来日方长,未来总会等到这样的机会。Obviously I want more action and more first-team experience but I'm only young and it will come with time.

来日方长,对于这些小将们来说,在达格利什的带领下茁壮成长是最好不过的。There is a long way to go but these youngsters couldn't wish for anyone better than Kenny to nurture him along.