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他的妻子体贴入微地照顾他。He was carefully nursed by his wife.

他对老人一向体贴入微。He is always considerate to old people.

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你多么体贴入微,领我去看演出!How considerable of you to take me a show!

约翰对珍妮特体贴入微。John showed great consideration for Janet.

“不错,不错,”代理院长体贴入微地说。Yes , yes, " said the Acting Dean gently."

在妻子体贴入微的关怀下,他很快就痊愈了。He recovered soon under his wife's tender loving care.

先进的设备设施为各界宾客提供热情周到、体贴入微的服务。Advanced facility and offer the best service for all guests.

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她真是幸运,有一个性情温和、体贴入微的丈夫。Eg She is very lucky to have a mild and considerate husband.

较之前人之注,杨伦的注解更加体贴入微。Note person than before, Yang Lun's comments even more attentive.

那位体贴入微的贵妇人把那种饮料做好,亲手端来给庞得贝先生。That considerate lady made the beverage, and handed it to Mr. Bounderby.

那位护士像照顾自己的女儿一样体贴入微地照顾患者。That nurse cared for the patient as tenderly as she did her own daughter.

可活动洗涤龙头,设计体贴入微,灵活实用。Activities washing can lead to design considerate, flexible and practical.

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他从不说伤人的话语,而我们也拥有很多共同的爱好,他是个有责任感,忠诚而又体贴入微的男人,总之,迈克几乎满足了我对男朋友所有的要求和幻想。We shared many of the same interests. He was responsible, loyal, and attentive.

不对,当简在尼日斐花园生病时,你把她照顾得体贴入微,难道那不算是你的优点吗?。Was there no good in your affectionate behaviour to Jane, while she was ill at Netherfield?

乍一看,你还以为他是难以接近的人,实际上,他很体贴入微、善解人意。On first sight you may feel he is hard to approach. In fact he is very kind and considerate.

也许每个人都曾经梦想过无忧无虑的生活,体面光鲜的工作,快乐幸福的家庭和体贴入微的伴侣。Possibly, everyone has ever dreamt of a joyful life, a descent job, a merry family and a considerate partner.

设施齐备、服务周全,针对商务客人对于酒店便捷和舒适的需求,提供体贴入微的对客服务。To the commercial guests' demand of convenient and comfortable, we will offer complete facilities and thoughtful service.

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其信徒将消息发到广告招贴板上,并到处发放传单,其中一些内容还体贴入微地考虑到了无神论者该如何照看宠物的问题。His followers took the message to billboards and flyers. Some thoughtfully arranged for atheists to look after their pets.

对于贵公司领导在我们逗留期间给予我们体贴入微的关照,千言万语道不尽我们的感激之情。No words can fully express our gratitude to your company leadership for their great kindness and consideration for us during our stay here.

儿童眼装店的婴儿服装,其体贴入微的裁剪和柔软细腻的缝制,体现了人类对孩子们的爱心。The BaBy clothes in children's clothing shop are tailored tenderly and sewed carefully with soft threads, which shows the human love for children.