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说穿了是需要的并不多,想要的太多。At the end of the day is not need more, want too much.

这件难以启齿的事还是让胖嫂先说穿了。It was Fatso who first spoke of the unspeakable thing.

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整件事情,说穿了,就他妈的一个字,背!The whole thing, to be honest, is just one thing of craps.

对这个价格来说穿起来舒服暖和的效果还是达到了的。It is reasonably priced, super-fit and extremely comfortable to wear.

说穿了,从农业发明开始,人类就一直在进行基因操作。We have engaged in genetic manipulation since agriculture was invented.

说穿了,有些人就是嫉妒心重,见不得你成功而已。At the end of the day, some people are simply jealous of your huge success.

说穿了,又是一次媒体的炒作与操作罢了。Really, this is just another example of sensationalized and manipulated media.

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说穿了,强留住一名已决意要离开的球员在队中,又能得到什么好处?After all, what is there to be gained from holding on to a player against his will?

工业革命的故事,说穿了,就是一个控制权斗争的故事。The story of industrial revolutions, after all, is a story of battles over control.

加州夸大其词的高速铁路计划,说穿了,就是一列车残骸。California's much-vaunted high-speed rail project is, to put it bluntly, a train wreck.

说穿了,人生是充满着一连串的课程,不经一事不长一智。Life, after all, is a succession of lessons which are meant to be lived to be understood.

说穿了,谁掌握了这种技术,谁就控制了人的思想-所有的人。To put it bluntly, whoever controls this technology can control the minds of men-all men.

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然而你死不甘心啊,看我穿拖鞋,你就说穿拖鞋的给我拖出去。Ah you die can not be reconciled, however, to see if I wear slippers, you'll put it bluntly, slippers, I dragged out.

但是说穿了,尽管在日本有越来越多的关于自杀的讨论,语言并不具有很强的说服力。But at the end of the day, while there is more discussion of suicide in Japan than before, the language is not overly powerful.

一些上海的社区中已经出现志愿者,劝说穿睡衣出门的人换上合适的外出服装。Some Shanghai communities have seen volunteers confront pajama-wearers and urge them to put on something more appropriate for the outdoors.

“任何被一个公司看好的东西反倒会使之不受欢迎。说穿了,整个“酷业”仅仅由公共关系来主沉浮”。"Anything endorsed by a company makes it uncool. When it all boils down to it the whole is just down to PR, " says Ike, 30, from Manchester.

也有描述说穿黑衣的男子打扮成记者们,询问当地见过蛾型人的人们有关它的故事。There are also accounts of "men in black" covering as news reporters, asking local people that saw the Mothman to tell there stories to them.

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经常有人抱怨说穿人字拖会扭脚踝,但是还有人手臂或手腕骨折,这也是因为他们穿人字拖走在不平坦的地面上跌倒后造成的。Frequent complaints include twisted ankles, but some have broken their arms or wrists after falling because their flip-flops caught on uneven ground.

宣传说穿上这种鞋子能够提高运动强度以消耗更多能量,或者提升肌肉力量和强度,实在也没有什么证据能够支持这些说法。There is simply no evidence to support the claims that these shoes will help wearers exercise more intensely, burn more calories or improve muscle strength and tone.

如果说穿睡衣上街是陋习,会影响城市形象,那么穿西装却举止粗俗、喷香水却满口粗话就是高雅么?If they are damaging the image of the city, what would you say about those who wearing suits but with vulgar manners and, perfuming guys with dirty words? well-behaved?