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品味使议决兆天获胜。The day that taste trillion won.

议决入会费、常年会费。Decide initiation fees and yearly dues.

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他们议决车库插座取电。They used electricity from a plug in the garage.

我们匆匆忙忙凑了个提议呈委员会议决。We cobbled together a proposal to put before the committee.

她议决这些问卷问题来相识病患。She uses these survey questions to get to know her patients.

有些郡议决拒绝付款给它们的州政府。Some counties have voted to with hold payments to their states.

议决与会员权利义务有关之其他事项。Determination for the member right, duty and other relative matter.

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议决年度工作计划、报告、及预算、决算。Determination for annual working plan, report, budget, final account.

我正议决网上聊天来进步我的英语。I'm trying to improve my English through chforting online in English.

所有事项议决完毕,主席宣布会议结束。There being no further business the chairman declared the meeting closed.

所以澳雨电子烟都是议决网络直销的。Therefore- the electronic cigarette Austringian rain through network marketing.

议决与会员权利义务有关之其他重大事项。Determine important issues relevant to the rights and obligations of members of the Chamber.

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代表步履力与决断能量的火星,将议决同伴联系的第七宫。The planet of action and assertive energy, Mars, will be touring your seventh house of partnerships.

董事会已议决于董事会辖下成立一个薪酬委员会。The Board has resolved to establish a Committee of the Board to be known as the Remuneration Committee.

特殊个案申请,由教学主管推荐经宿舍分配会议议决通过者。Special cases who have been recommended by a department chair and approved by the dorm allocation committee.

同时亦议决对乙部资料如所列示予以加入、更改或删除。It was further resolved that details of the information in Part B be added, changed or deleted as set out therein.

一八九九年十二月二十七日,英女皇会同枢密院议决撤销这项条款,由英国单方面接管九龙城。However, an order-in-council of December 27, 1899, revoked this clause and the British unilaterally took over Kowloon City.

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不错的爱情是您议决一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是您为了一个人舍弃世界。Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while horrendous love makes you keep the whole world for one person.

好的爱情是你议决一私人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一私人舍弃世界。Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while destructive love makes you quit the whole world for one person.

好的爱情是你议决一私人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一私人舍弃世界。Good love makes you see the whole world from one person whiledifficult love makes you give up the whole world for one person.