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他声音沙哑地说。He said hoarsely.

我咳得声音都沙哑了。I have a hoarse cough.

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他用沙哑的声音低声道歉。He croaked his apology.

声音沙哑刺耳。Her voice was gravelly.

他咳得嗓子沙哑了。He coughed himself hoarse.

他用沙哑的声音唱歌。He sings in a gravelly voice.

你听,我的声音多沙哑啊。Don't you hear how hoarse I am.

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他有着亲切沙哑的声线。He had a pleasant, husky voice.

我们喊呀喊,喊到我们的嗓子都沙哑了。We shouted until we were hoarse.

我的声音已经开始沙哑了。My voice is starting to disappear already.

听见沙哑的声音,如同树叶摩挲。Heard the hoarse voice, like leaves caress.

母亲的叫声沙哑,让寂静也起皱纹。Mother's voice rustles, wrinkling the silence.

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沙哑的男高音把音乐会搞砸了。The hoarse tenor singer mucked up the recital.

“谢谢,”海茨帕说,她的声音有点儿沙哑。"Thank you, " said Hesper. Her voice was husky.

有的很清朗,其他的更沙哑。Some voices are clear, others are more scratchy.

一只叫声沙哑的,受惊的大乌鸦飞扑到空中。Squawking, a startled raven swooped into the air.

昨天下午,左驰副局长声音沙哑地说。Yesterday afternoon, left Chi DS hoarseness said.

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兰登嗓音沙哑,犹如被人击溃一般。Langdon’s voice cracked as if he were overwhelmed.

按下喇叭出现沙哑声音沙。Press the horn appeared in a hoarse voice of sand.

“快点!”他沙哑着嗓子喊道。“我受够了这些!”"Hurry! "he cried hoarsely. "I can't stand this! "