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陈师傅说。Master Chen said.

但是师傅,他会杀了你。But Shifu, he'll kill you.

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最后是师傅唐僧。Finally, master Tang Seng.

向二位师傅请教一下。Excuse me, you two masters.

那我带你找师傅去。Let me find a teacher for you.

信是师傅写的,俺不过是个传信滴…Shifu does, I'm just a messager.

师傅,我们可以跟你们一起去打鱼吗?Sir, can we go fishing with you?

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告诉我你有多骄傲,师傅?Tell me how proud you are Shifu?

面包师傅每天烤面包。The baker bakes bread every day.

今日“赵师傅”如何买房?Today, "Zhao masters" how to buy?

满意的沃尔沃修车师傅呢?What about a good Volvo mechanic?

师傅,请让我们阻止大龙。Master please, let us stop Tai Lung?

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今天王师傅为我们做了一道拿手菜。Chef Wang has prepared a dish for us.

她师傅的师傅是梅兰芳。Her teacher's teacher is Mei Lanfang.

我要跟机修师傅查核一下。I'll have to check with the mechanic.

面包师傅什么时候营业?When does the baker follow his trade?

卿可知道卿的师傅为什么必须死?。Do you know why your master had to die?

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师傅,跟着前面那辆车。Driver, please follow the car in front?

他说他一定会过来见见刘师傅。He said he would come to meet Master Liu.

看看这个,这是吴刚师傅,对吧?Check this out. This is Kung Chang, right?