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构思草图。Ideation sketches.

构思新项目。Conceive New Project.

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你不能把构思给逼出来。You cannot force ideas.

我喜欢这个建筑构思。I liked the structural idea.

他仔细地为他的剧本构思。He plotted his play carefully.

这是一个潜移默化的过程——你的的确确是在构思接口,而且是以一种渐进的方式。You're also doing it incrementally.

一度新颖的构思已经成为老生常谈。The talk is no more than a platitude.

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首先,细节上构思的很缜密。First of all, it's very much constructed.

一旦一个技法或一个构思出现,他希望马上继续下去。Baeyens wants to remain a child of his time.

制图员很快地把他的构思画成草图。The draughtsman rapidly blocked in his idea.

假如让你再构思自我描述会怎样呢?What if you “reframe your self-description”?

影片的构思相当巧妙。The plot of the film is ingeniously conceived.

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目前所有者正在构思一座大型的分支。Now the owners have plans for a large addition.

这篇作品的构思是作者个人的独创。The plan of the work is original with the author.

让我们相互讨论以构思一个新计划。Let's put our heads together and invent a new plan.

我有一幅源头的图像。我在构思一条河。I have an image of source. I am thinking of a river.

我的学生却连构思出一个简单的人物都有困难。My students had trouble creating a simple character.

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这个想法是在乔布斯的车库里构思发展的。The idea was conceived and developed in Jobs garage.

我们十分钦佩本书责编睿智而良善的构思。We greatly admire the wise and good book Zebian idea.

困难的部分其实是挑选哪一个构思去实施。The difficult part is picking the one idea to go with.