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他同时还是一位杰出的单口相声演员。He is also a stand-up comedian.

她是这里有名的单口相声家。She is a famous comedienne here.

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我认为,莎朗·斯通刚刚给凯西·格里芬提供了一套单口相声的完整新思路。I think Sharon Stone just gave Kathy Griffin a whole new line of jokes.

相声也可分单口相声和群口相声,但最常见的形式是两人说的。Xiangsheng can be performed by one person or more, but the most common form is two people.

作为一名单口相声演员和计算机程序设计员,汤姆.诺顿打算颠覆摩根.史柏路克的理论。Tom Naughton, a stand-up comedian and computer programmer, set out to prove Morgan Spurlock wrong.

这也即是她的单口相声会频繁出现在拷问常用音乐列表上的原因。It therefore stands to reason that her stand up routines would frequently appear in torture playlists.

但要是一位有着浓重地方口音的华裔移民在美国摇身一变成了单口相声演员,这听上去更像是一场白日梦。But for a Chinese migrant with a heavy accent to become a stand-up comedian in the US it's more like a fantasy.

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中国古代的戏曲,西方的哑剧,中国的单口相声和其他国家的独白剧,都以相似的形式、不同的姿态活跃着。Ancient Chinese Drama, Western Pantomime, and Chinese Crosstalk all express the spirit of theater through a range of forms.

一副完美的卡通便可以、或者一副你那只戴着宠物乌龟的照片、单口相声碟片、或者是最搞笑朋友的电话号码。A terrific cartoon may do it, or a picture of your pet turtle in a hat, a DVD of standup comedy, or the phone number of your funniest friend.

她曾经出面在这个星期早些时候的音乐电视颁奖礼上,和双栖明星即是说单口相声的喜剧演员又是脱口秀主持人切尔西·海德勒共同表演了一幕滑稽短剧。She also appeared at the MTV Video Music Awards earlier in the week, performing a skit with stand-up comic and talk show host Chelsea Handler.

我记得艾迪·伊扎德在他的一个单口相声中曾经说过美国人和英国人在他去过的颁奖典礼上的不同之处。I remember Eddie Izzard once expressed the difference between American and British award ceremonies he'd been to during one of his stand up routines.

白天他是在实验室正经做研究的科学家,到晚上就摇身一变成演员,穿梭在新英格兰地区的酒吧、夜总会、俱乐部和大学礼堂,表演单口相声。Joe Wong is one of the best known comedians in the New England area and is a favorite at comedy clubs, corporate functions, fundraisers and colleges.